Mayhem Tampa 6/13


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
The show was fun I had a good time. It was hot and beers were $11 a piece so it was a sober day for me. Their setlist was horrible, Fight 'Em and the rest the same old songs, no surprises or anything different at all. Maybe this was because Jason was playing drums and didn't know any new stuff but I said that last time when Gene was playing. Pearl was there sitting on the side of the stage with their son about 15 feet from me which was cool, very cute kid. He has red hair though:confused:Maybe Pearl dyes her hair but I don't know...:(During one band an old man with no legs crowdsurfed in his wheelchair which I had never seen before. I thought Slipknot was very good their DJ is a great performer, when he wasn't scratching he was going nuts all over the stage and jumping into the crowd, hanging off of Clown's drums 20 feet in the air I enjoyed it. Lots of pyro for Slayer and Slipknot overall a good time very exhausting day, especially starting off with a 3 1/2 hour wait to get in standing in one spot with the Florida sun burning directly overhead, that sucked. The first band started before they even opened the gates with only VIPs inside, if I were that band I'd be so pissed I don't get why they do that. Going to put aloe on my face everyone have a great day.
The show was fun I had a good time. It was hot and beers were $11 a piece so it was a sober day for me. Their setlist was horrible, Fight 'Em and the rest the same old songs, no surprises or anything different at all. Maybe this was because Jason was playing drums and didn't know any new stuff but I said that last time when Gene was playing. Pearl was there sitting on the side of the stage with their son about 15 feet from me which was cool, very cute kid. He has red hair though:confused:Maybe Pearl dyes her hair but I don't know...:(During one band an old man with no legs crowdsurfed in his wheelchair which I had never seen before. I thought Slipknot was very good their DJ is a great performer, when he wasn't scratching he was going nuts all over the stage and jumping into the crowd, hanging off of Clown's drums 20 feet in the air I enjoyed it. Lots of pyro for Slayer and Slipknot overall a good time very exhausting day, especially starting off with a 3 1/2 hour wait to get in standing in one spot with the Florida sun burning directly overhead, that sucked. The first band started before they even opened the gates with only VIPs inside, if I were that band I'd be so pissed I don't get why they do that. Going to put aloe on my face everyone have a great day.

It's because it's Anthrax

Also apparently Jason does know all the new songs, he played them back in March/April
Yep $11 a beer that doesnt stop me from getting trashed in there though LOL.

What were the bands you caught?
I only missed the very first band because the gates weren't open so I saw all of the rest. My least favorite was probably The Devil Wears Prada, I just didn't get it. White Chapel was good even though I'm not really into death metal I thought they were one of the better bands. I didn't see As I Lay Dying as I had to get a drink after being crushed against the barracade for 4 hours in 90-degree heat. That was a 20-minute wait in line. Upon A Burning Body from Texas all wore matching suits and ties which was odd but they were intense. I was surprised only two wall of deaths and two references to Randy Blythe (one being by Scott).
What kind of metalhead are you?? You're supposed to rally on the way to the concert by smoking tons of weed and drinking lots of beer and whiskey on the way there and in the parking lot. That way, $11 beers isn't so bad. Drink one per set. And then when a band you know well and wanna mosh to gets ready to come on, slam a beer and a shot. Find a good spot in the pit. When the opening intros starts, spark up a J. Then let the games begin.

By the way, I feel you on the set. And I'm not sure if I buy the Jason is a fill in excuse. Not that the band has made that excuse. Jason is a pro and should be able to learn anything quick. It's probably a case of the fact that they'd rather play the "hits" to a festival crowd.
What kind of metalhead are you?? You're supposed to rally on the way to the concert by smoking tons of weed and drinking lots of beer and whiskey on the way there and in the parking lot. That way, $11 beers isn't so bad. Drink one per set. And then when a band you know well and wanna mosh to gets ready to come on, slam a beer and a shot. Find a good spot in the pit. When the opening intros starts, spark up a J. Then let the games begin.

By the way, I feel you on the set. And I'm not sure if I buy the Jason is a fill in excuse. Not that the band has made that excuse. Jason is a pro and should be able to learn anything quick. It's probably a case of the fact that they'd rather play the "hits" to a festival crowd.

They play the same exact songs even if its not a festival crowd. This one is just shortened lol.

Sufferer, did you catch Asking Alexandria? What did you think about them? I was drinking $11 beers for the first half of the day in there haha even got one bought for me for letting someone cut in line before Slayer.
They play the same exact songs even if its not a festival crowd. This one is just shortened lol.

Sufferer, did you catch Asking Alexandria? What did you think about them? I was drinking $11 beers for the first half of the day in there haha even got one bought for me for letting someone cut in line before Slayer.
You were there? Cool! Yes I caught them from right up front I had never heard of them before but noticed a lot of people were wearing their shirts. They were pretty good I thought the stage was gonna blow over with the storm when they started, the crew even had to strap down the speaker towers because they were swaying in the wind so bad. They were great live I've never heard anything on record yet but I think they were good!
I was at the 1st CA date on 6/30. Beers were also $11, they were $13 2 years ago lol, and yeah Asking Alexandria was good live, was my 2nd time seeing them, did you enjoy Motorhead?
What kind of metalhead are you?? You're supposed to rally on the way to the concert by smoking tons of weed and drinking lots of beer and whiskey on the way there and in the parking lot. That way, $11 beers isn't so bad. Drink one per set. And then when a band you know well and wanna mosh to gets ready to come on, slam a beer and a shot. Find a good spot in the pit. When the opening intros starts, spark up a J. Then let the games begin.

By the way, I feel you on the set. And I'm not sure if I buy the Jason is a fill in excuse. Not that the band has made that excuse. Jason is a pro and should be able to learn anything quick. It's probably a case of the fact that they'd rather play the "hits" to a festival crowd.
Too funny dude! I actually brought a cooler of beer not knowing what the tailgaiting situation was going to be, when I got there cars were lined up along the highway so I was pouring beers into my coffee cup and slamming them while parked along the highway. It was a 2 hour drive from east Orlando where I live so had to behave along the way. As soon as we got in it was straight to the horrible line, if I knew they were going to make us wait for so many hours I would have brought the beers with me. By the time Anthrax was done I was so dehydrated I didn't even want beer anymore which is huge for me, the sun does that. Finally got out of the parking lot at 1:30 AM and home by 3:30, great day! I wonder how much influence the record label has on what they play, they may have told them to play nothing but classics being that it is a festival. Ugh I wanted to hear I'm Alive or something new but no go. Maybe next time. Maybe next time.
I was at the 1st CA date on 6/30. Beers were also $11, they were $13 2 years ago lol, and yeah Asking Alexandria was good live, was my 2nd time seeing them, did you enjoy Motorhead?
Oh OK I thought it was a little far for you! Motorhead was good, I really don't know any of their songs though but their drummer was incredible, I don't follow the band so don't know how long he's been with them but he tore it up. The only drum solo of the day and he brought it. Motorhead is a 3-piece now didn't they used to be 4? The crowd loved it though and it was nice to see Lemmy in front of thousands of people cheering and recognizing his influence on every band that played that day, glad they're still playing. Also speaking of missing band members Slipknot had no bassist I thought they would have replaced Paul but did not, they relied on digital bass tracks. Also Gary Holt still playing guitar for bad is Jeff's condition? I know he had the surgery then I thought he was back full force damn I hope he's OK. Gary shredded but it's not the same without Jeff.
So it was the middle of the day and hot as fuck was Rob wearing his ski cap? :puke::lol:

I hear you on the setlist. I honestly don't even care to see them live again as the set lists are boring as fuck. How many times can one enjoy listening to Indians, Caught in a Mosh, Got The Time, and Antisocial?

The reunion tour they played with Jason Bitner and they played Time, Skeletons in the Closet, In My World, Be all End All, and a few others that they don't play all that often.

They have turned into a greatest hits band that plays a few newer songs. If you haven't seen Anthrax before they are great. But if you have seen them over 10 times which I have, the set lists are extremely boring.

These guys need to really change it up a bit or I will not be going to see them again.

There is an album called Persistence of Time which many regard as their best all around album yet they chose to never play anything from it besides Got the Time which is absolutely pathetic
yes kirkland they will change the setlist just for you. rumour has it that Anthrax never enter a stage when kirkland isn't in the audience.

i saw them 7 times over the years and the setlists were pretty much the same:lol: yes it's getting boring but an Anthrax show without 'Caught In A Mosh', 'I Am The Law' & 'Indians' is like an AC/DC show without 'Highway To Hell' & 'Hells Bells'. i could do without 'Got The Time' & 'Antisocial' in the set, i don't get why they never play 'Finale', 'Panic', 'SSC' or 'One Man Stands'.