Mbox Micro, some questions...


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hello all,

I've been meaning to purchase some type of Pro Tools LE box to become familiar with mixing in pro tools. I currently use Logic, but want to get my feet wet in Pro Tools. This seems like the perfect solution.

Now, as I understand it, it's essentially a mixing solution correct? I mean, it has no I/O capability, so I would still need to track in Logic correct? Or, can I use other external hardware to track within Pro Tools LE with this?

I'm almost 100% it would just act as a dongle and I would have to import my tracks from Logic. I could also do all of my drum editing with DFHS and samples in here, right?

thanks guys

for the price get an mbox2 mini... at least you have I/O if you decide later on to track with PT...

Also I think it is easier to sell a mini then a micro.
Yeah, the mini is a whopping $50 more, so that's what I'd go for - but yes, the Micro is literally a dongle with a headphone out, it might be somewhat cool if it was available for $100 or less :Smug:
Ah I see, thanks guys. Like I said I'm primarily interested in mixing in Pro Tools, but I suppose having some I/O options would be beneficial in the future.


Yeah I'm a in a strange spot for a few reasons. I want to eventually upgrade my pres and converters, but to use these with pro tools would require more than an Mbox even. That is, if I'm going to track with it. Right now, I only use maybe three simultaneously tracks for guitar, vocals, bass, etc. I'm not to the point where I need to track drums at all.

How many ins could I have with the Mbox 2 if I was to use the SPDIF?

