mckenna on shrooms and ayahuasca...

White Rabbit

Sep 4, 2001
cerebral cortex
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<"It turned me every way but loose
It was unpleasant
I really thought I had done it this time
It was very clear what happened
What seemed to be happening is it was interrupting RNA transcription of short-term memory
I felt like I was battling demons to return with a shred of my sanity
So, I knew who I was and my history and how I had gotten in this situation but I couldn't remember
the last three minutes …at all
And that would create this anxiety in me and then I would forget why I was anxious
And then that would create more anxiety
And I was into some kind of intellectual regress
I was just unrivited in this chair thinking "my god, if this doesn't unsnap itself they'll just put
me in a ward somewhere…" and I'll just be carried out of here….
"Open the pod door, Hal"
"I can't do that, Jay"
I could almost see the jammed enzymatic machinery in the synapse
I had this very clear vision of 'oh god, its gone down the wrong pathway, the degradative enzyme
has somehow been locked out of the process'
And here we are folks… circling the airfield, running out of fuel, zero visibility…">

...I guess this means that's a no no.