Me covering 'Furnace Funeral' by Bloodbath

Apr 11, 2012
Hey all, first off I'd like to say introduce myself.

My names Rich, I'm 19 and from the West Midlands in the UK.

As a massive fan of bloodbath and an avid guitarist I thought this would be a great place to post my first proper Youtube cover.

If you have any questions feel free to ask here or via youtube messages. Thanks in advance!

(also sorry if this is in anyway in the wrong place or annoying to anyone, I do plan on becoming an active member here, I'm not a 1 stop haha!)

Thanks man! :D I've had some great comments for this so far, It's definitely motivated me to do some more. It's a massive step for me because due to my condition I never even leave the house wearing short sleeve t-shirts or without my hand in my pocket haha.
Feels weird man!
Aeon, Edge of Sanity, Ensiferum, Megadeth, Blind Guardian, Kataklysm, Ex Deo.

I'm one of these people though that are genuinely into a bit of everything ya know? Not just metal even though it is my favourite genre! :)
Every metal fan is into other stuff, don't let anyone tell you they're not. Everybody needs a departure from the metal realm once in awhile.

I could do without Megadeath:yuk:
I don't want to sound mean but that just sounds like i played the studio record. Either the volume of his guitar is too low or he played the track to note-to note perfection. :\
You did play the studio record, it is panned left 54%. The guitar I played comes through the right 54%. I recorded the guitar into my Daw and balanced it with the track so they're equal. I never really was into when people did covers with their on flair on it. I listen through studio monitors so I can hear it fairly clear... Spose it may be clearer if you're really familiar with the track like I am or if you listen through a different system. For example this wouldn't sound very clear through laptop speakers, though through mine I can still hear my guitar parts : o

Also the notes are all right if that's what you mean, there should be little mistakes as, well... It's a cover and I wanted it to be as close to perfect as it could be! :D

Edit: Just listened again through my laptop speakers (Which aren't bad, my Acer has like built in 5.1 crazy shit. :s) and at like 00:30 / 00:32 I can even hear the slightest variance between the guitar notes. after the chugging part. I don't know how you can't hear it dude, it must be what you listened to it with? :)
Noted for future covers :D It is really audible, it's just the fact that even the guitar tone is really similar. If I solo the tracks on my DAW you can really hear it well but I suppose unless you hear it that way it seems less clear to you. :) It was mainly for the vid anyways haha :D