Me playing the Funeral Portrait solo

Pretty good. Maybe you should practice on a metronome or something, you could start off a bit lower tempo till youve perfected the little details, then go up a notch till it's regular speed.
DRSmith said:
Well, I was planning on creating a topic, but I might as well just post here. I'm looking for a new Opeth solo to learn. I know both solos to Wreath, and Windowpane, I know the one from To Rid the Disease, Leper Affinity (Mikes), Masters Apprentices (Mikes), By the Pain..., some of the Drapery Falls and Peter's part of the joined solo in A Fair Judgement. I've been playing for about 4 and a half years, so theres not much thats out of the question, I've just hit a rut and I don't know what to play :p

And by the way not a bad job on the solo there man, just keep working on it.
All the solos of every other song and band you didn't mention.

I need to change my signature... freaking England losing... grr.
DRSmith said:
Well, I was planning on creating a topic, but I might as well just post here. I'm looking for a new Opeth solo to learn. I know both solos to Wreath, and Windowpane, I know the one from To Rid the Disease, Leper Affinity (Mikes), Masters Apprentices (Mikes), By the Pain..., some of the Drapery Falls and Peter's part of the joined solo in A Fair Judgement. I've been playing for about 4 and a half years, so theres not much thats out of the question, I've just hit a rut and I don't know what to play :p

And by the way not a bad job on the solo there man, just keep working on it.

If you're looking for real challenge i suggest you attempt anything from Necrophagist, and not just the solos either, the whole songs are just so fucking technical and its real fun trying to master them. IF you want something easy to start with i suggest the Fermented Offal Discharge solo. It's simple but beautiful and quite interesting to play

Bierbommetje said:
Pretty good. Maybe you should practice on a metronome or something, you could start off a bit lower tempo till youve perfected the little details, then go up a notch till it's regular speed.

Good aadvice; thats how i usually attempt to learn any particular song, only in this case my playing is kind of shitty because i didnt practice that particular solo enough,, as soon as i learnt the basics i immediately obtained a camera and shot it so yeah i apologize for the sloppiness!
Keith! said:
To be honest you should be alot better than that after 3 - 4 years of playing...:erk:

actually the vid i posted isnt a true portrayal of my true guitar abilities like i said i hardly practiced before i took that video, not to brag or anything, but my guitar playing is fairly better than that
Why you bother even taking a video if you didnt have the solo 'down'....Thats what really pisses me off about these people on youtube, you have a load of people filming themselves doing a part of a song, when they cant even play it properly, mainly because they are too idle to learn it correctly.
A. Iverson said:
actually the vid i posted isnt a true portrayal of my true guitar abilities like i said i hardly practiced before i took that video, not to brag or anything, but my guitar playing is fairly better than that

Post another vid when you've got it down, then. I think you can nail it pretty easy if this was with little practice.
KeithRT99 said:
not bad, but you don't use any vibrato. it seems most people overlook vibrato when they first start soloing.

comment highly appreciated.

a friend of mine mentioned the exact same thing to me when i was jamming with her; she asked me why the hell do i hardly use vibrato and i juist stood there and scratched my head, so i guess yeah thats definitely something i will be working on.