Me whining, please don't read this....


Ik ben lekker...
Feb 21, 2006
los angeles
I just realized that I've never gotten one thing in my life that I have truely wanted. Anyone else ever have such a sobering realization? What was it and how did you deal with it?
Shit happens dude... but you gotta man up and move on. It is sobering, but the sooner you realize that the only person that can make shit go right for you IS you, you'll be way better off.

Good luck - cheer up man!
I agree with what Chris said.

I used to be the sorta guy that always blamed his shortcomings on others. Whenever I underachieved, it was never my fault, ALWAYS someone elses, or it was the context of my life at the time that was getting me down and stopping me from getting what i wanted/needed/should have achieved/whatever.
a couple of bad years and a bunch of people finally putting me in my place set me right. i took control of my own life, anything that doesnt go the way i want it to is down to me now. not everything in life is gonnna go 100%, and thats fine, thats life, but most stuff is down to you and you alone. you want to make your life better? then go do it, just do it on your own fucking terms, and you will feel so much better about life.

hope things pick up for you soon man.
It's also a question of, do you actually really know what you wanted in life in the first place?
All I can say is this: For everything you thought you wanted, but didn't get, you'll get 10 things you never realized you wanted, but turns out to be so much better for you in the end. Hang in there.

Oh, and don't whine ;)