meaning of borknagar


Carnis Lupus
Jan 5, 2002
Österreich - Austria
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i don't know if that has been discussed before, but what is the meaning of the word borknagar? i recognize it's something scandinavian and i even speak some norwegian! but i can't make any sence of this word! could someone clarify this for me?
i see! and i thought it's some norse mythology stuff! it always reminds me of a "Borkenkäfer" a bug that gnaw(german "nagen") on bark of trees(german "Borke")!
a friend of mine and me also thought about whether it could be a name for nidhögg, who also gnaws on yggdrasil!
but now it's only a made up word! :bah: ;)
henrikmain said:
It's an anagram of Ragnarok, with a "B" added to it.

not very convincing !