Meaning of the Covers


Oct 10, 2001
Santiago de Chile
Well I don't know all of you, but for me a lot of Travis Covers don't mean nothing related to the title of the album which they represent.
And of course there are some albums that the cover was made with implicity of the lyrics like the last King Diamond album, but perhaps Travis want us to malke our own impresions of the covers, here it is one of my impresions:

Dead Heart, in a Dead World : That kind of tree with pieces of a face and body shattered means to me a guy that is complete destroy from inside hanging by this pathetic tree, this has a lot to do with the lyrics of the title song, but as I wrote before, this is my perception of the cover.

Let's see what you guys think of the covers, doesn't matter waht album it is, just gave us your impresions of the meaning of these amazing covers artwork
for example, dead heart was a personal idea of mine, that i submitted to warrel when none of my other ideas fit. warrel said it was perfect and THEN sent me the lyrics, which really freaked me out. it was DNB all over again...

a lot of times i will try to express the THEME of an album rather than a specific part.

But with my perception of the cover
Did I get any closer to what you try to draw???
or mean??? or Imprint???

Sorry I'm Chilean and I don't know the word for what I want to express

In Spanish is "plasmar"
I guess there's not such a word but you could explain in....
transmitting the image in mind to the image on the screen

that's "plasmar" ;)
It could mean something like that.
it was a personal idea that i got when a few things in my life
started becoming...dark...for that time that was a self portrait.
faceless, feeling anonymous, empty, and bound to my surroundings.
seeing no light ahead....thats been chainging a little bit lately.
i reworked that idea for warrel in desperation of impending deadlines and it fit his lyrics perfectly.

so we used it
damn, you must see the light you offer with your covers!!! so look at terria....and feel the light!!!!!!

fathevic (never so grateful)
Still don't get waht you meant in Blackwater Park, maybe it just doesn't have a meaning but still is too darker but I don't understand , perhaps the simplicity of the cover makes me get it wrong
Good artists know how to comunicate the idea straight, but exceptionally talented artists know how to twist the idea and retell it, making the idea much richer.

Thats what Travis does IMHO.

Nice Condorito avatar, BTW.
Dead heart in a dead world?

I think it looks more like he's reaching inside his chest expecting to find something that isn't there.
His humanity possibly.

I think the arwork fits very good with nevermore's desperate lyrics.

One thing I haven't figured out yet though is this image...

It kind of looks like a blurry body with an ownhead ontop. Moving in high speed.
Any ideas on this one?