Meet Emma... (puppy content)


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
Hey guys,

the last few weeks had been pretty rough. Having just slightly recovered from lots of family related tragedies and (health) issues, our 15 year old husky mix "Buck" suddenly suffered a major stroke ( a "real" stroke, a rare occurrence with dogs) which forced us to put him to sleep. :(


A devastating experience, especially for my mother who can't work anymore due to her heavy rheumatism. The dog kept her busy, gave her some prospect for life.

So, seeing how much playing with our neighbors' puppy cheered her up, my brother and I decided to surprise her with a pooch...

Meet Emma, the little pug lady:



(forgive the crappy quality, I forgot to set the resolution higher)

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sweet,....... i remember my uncle once stopped by with this kind of puppy. he (the dog) immediately ran into the apartment, jumped on the living room table and started to piss.
his name was "kasper" and i admit i was impressed. :worship:
all the rest of your post sounds very familiar to me too.
sorry to hear, man.

anyway, be prepared for Emma behaving funny :)
Thanks guys! Yeah, she still has some house-training to do but it gets better by the day. She runs in circles like a lunatic when she needs to drop a "surprise". ;)

So far, she seems healthy/active and she doesn't have trouble to breathe. Makes solid poo and eats like a champion. :D

We did bath her today, actually. And I immediately regretted not filming it. Her futile attempts to escape the tub were pretty hilarious.

Thanks again! Boxers are great dogs too, as well as bull terriers. ;)

Emma goes berserk:

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our 15 year old husky mix "Buck" suddenly suffered a major stroke ( a "real" stroke, a rare occurrence with dogs) which forced us to put him to sleep.

I´m so sorry to hear that, dude :( My dog is 14 and he becomes weaker...I will be in a similar situation soon.

It´s good to see Emma brings the smile :) Such a sweet dog!!
Sorry about your loss. I hear pugs are excellent companion animals and incredibly bright. I want an army of pugs, French bulldogs and Boston terriers.
2 days ago marked the 2nd anniversary of the loss of my dearest little girl Molly, the peke my wife and I had for the previous 17 years. I'm sorry to here about the loss of your family member Buck. But it looks like his legacy is in good hands with your newest addition Emma. Why stop at one? Two little dogs are twice the fun as my wife and I found out when we got Mattie and then several months later his half sister Willow.
