Meet Opeth!

I met Peter and Mikael. They were both really cool. I talked to Peter more, 'cause most of the people wanted to talk to Mike, so I just talked to Peter and just hung out. He was super cool. Really down to earth guy.
if the situation forced the chance to meet only one member of Opeth, then it would have to be Mikael! Because of my emense respect for this amazing mind! WOW! ...but what do you say to someone who offers you sooo much enjoyment of an enormous range of emotions when you have nothing to offer in return? I mean how can 'hi, how is the tour going?' compare to the feeling you get from the intro of 'Serenity Painted Death' for example LOL
I had the pleasure of not only meeting the guys from Opeth, but hanging with them for a few days at the end of the Nevermore tour in Los Angels, San Fransisco, and San Jose. Let me tell you all, they are some of the coolest, nicest people out there. so if you ever get the chance to see them live, do what you can to hang out after the show and meet them. its a real honor.

WOW! ...but what do you say to someone who offers you sooo much enjoyment of an enormous range of emotions when you have nothing to offer in return?

Exactly......i'd probably get this crazy grin on my face and just pass would probably be the most sureal moment of my life if i was ever able so lucky to meet anyone in opeth....either from '91 or now. I just recently purchased Still Life and Morningrise (after listening to BWP and Orchid for months). I dont think i could have ripped open the plastic wrap off of STill Life any faster and threw it into my car cd player and started to cry....i headed home but i had no idea where i was going....i was so entrapped by the music it actually scared me...i ended up driving about 65 miles south of my home... i have yet to get a hold of MAYH, because i cant find it in any music stores in a 100 mile radius of my house.....ive heard that MAYH is an overwhelmingly amount of people's favorite album.....anyone feel that way???
ok....that "originally posted by.." message didnt work because i obviously did it wrong.....could someone kindly tell me how to get that to show up in a post reply?? thanks SO much
Originally posted by JeN
could someone kindly tell me how to get that to show up in a post reply?? thanks SO much

Oye, just click the "edit" button and do yer stuff.. which in this case would be (without the spaces within the tags):

[ quote ] [ i ] Originally posted by Jo [ / i ]
[ b ] (edit your quote here) [ / b ]
[ / quote ]

You're quite welcome. :p
Oh, to reply to the actual thread:

I'd really be out of words if I ever got to meet any of the guys, but based on what I've seen written by other people, I'd like to meet Peter.
"WOW! ...but what do you say to someone who offers you sooo much enjoyment of an enormous range of emotions when you have nothing to offer in return?" -- Jen

Do as Garth and Wayne do- bow down and chant over and over again "We're not worthy, we're not worthy, we're not worthy, we're not worthy........." Mikael will reply, "Arise my children, you are worthy. All are welcome in the Kingdom of Opeth, all may enter" :lol:

personal log: last song by opeth listened to is "Nectar" whilst driving back home.
I dunno... I'd probably have to try to come out of left field in pseudo-typical HoserHellspawn fashion and say something like "Hey, Mike, if they ever wanted to put you on the cover of GQ do you think you would shave off the moustache?".

Back to the thread... as the main creative brain behind Opeth, I think you just sort of immediately get the mindset that Mikael would be the most interesting to talk with for awhile. Although, again, based on what people are saying Peter seems like a cool guy, and perhaps he might be the most interesting to meet. No matter who it is, though, I'd probably try to discuss something other than music as they must do that all the time. Either that, or the Wayne and Garth approach...

Although, come to think of it, another possibility is that I could end up spending my time trying to keep Opet from throwing herself at Peter and embarassing herself. (Of course, this would require us to be in the same place at the same time as well as Opeth, which given to the fact she's in R.I. and I'm in B.C. would be unlikely, but it's still a funny comment to make nonetheless. Right!) Then again, Peter might very well want that, so... hmm...
Xtokalon: Do as Garth and Wayne do- bow down and chant over and over again "We're not worthy, we're not worthy, we're not worthy, we're not worthy........." Mikael will reply, "Arise my children, you are worthy. All are welcome in the Kingdom of Opeth, all may enter"
argghhhh ha ha ha ha I like it!
Jen: i'd probably get this crazy grin on my face and just pass would probably be the most sureal moment of my life
argghhhh ha ha Jen I hope you find MAYH soon...oh the pain!
I dunno who I would choose.. I'd much rather let fate take the privalidge of choosing. I'm sure they're all very full people in those carcasses they behold.

MAYH... fucking hell.... that album will make you orgasm, cry, hurl and quiver with joy relentles pain all at once... its my fave album (on some days according to the changes of the mood)... the end of April Ethereal, When and moments in Karma and The Amen Corner... you chest can't help collapsing and caving deeply into a never ending pitt.... and I think everyone knows about the beauty of the end of Demon... pure bliss.

ps: Hey Orchid, Hoser & Jo! :)
Autumn Rust......that comment you made about MAYH is seriously making me ache for the album.....why am i so broke.....the second i get enough money to buy it, im RUNNING to the music store!
Hello GwEn,

trust me you'll be very pleasantly suprised... or maybe not cause its Opeth we're talkin about here. :)

Try get the re-released one though.... its got a Celtic Frost cover (which kicks so much ass!) and an Iron Maiden one. Some people say it ruins the mood of the album... I say just fucking block those tracks if you only wanna hear the pure original album. But at least you got those 2 bonus track which is STILL opeth and STILL kicks fat fucking ass! :)

ps: Sell ya mother for it... its worth it..... he heheh... I DID!
does opeth smoke? if they did, i would offer to smoke some bud with them and have a few drinks and listen to some good music. i bet they have some groupies too. maybe if i was cool enough they would share.
i managed to get a picture with the 3 members minus mikael. mikael was sitting on the bus being anti-social. that was kinda disappointing, but i'm sure touring is tiring as hell. but i was so surprised at how nice they were -- they totally tried to put me at ease, with big smiles and everything. kinda disappointed to get the picture developed and discover that they didn't smile for the actual picture. DOH! i ended up talking to mendez, and i wondered why he was just sort of smiling and nodding, and i've heard since then that his english isn't great. but then again, maybe i was just annoying him. :p

i completely agree with Jen and Jo -- short of locking mikael in a room with me for 10 days, there's no way to express to him how much his music means to me (hey, get your mind out of the gutter!). if i had said what i would've like to have said, i'd look like a complete fool. it's very unsatisfying to just say, "hey, great show. i love the new album," and be just another fan in the crowd. oh well.