Meeting Them After A Show...

Hide behind the tour bus and when they come out, run up and throw a sack over them then tie um up. Offer them a beer and you'll be best friends.

"A musical is the same as a burlap sack,.......i would not want to be in either."
Dmetri Martin
Yes, either merch table or wait before/after the show.

My first meeting with Johan was at random. I just happened to be driving into Philly when he walked out of a Chinese resturant and in front of my car.

We kept driving and found a good parking spot, watched the show, but we missed half their set because we were at a Children of Bodom signing. During COB's set, I went back to Amon's merch table and they were there signing autographs. I hung out with them for a while, got pictures and stuff signed, and did it without annoyance.

A few days later I went to New York to see the same show, and hopefully see what I missed from Amon's set. The show was sold out for two months, but my brother and I ended up getting tickets that very day. Talk about luck,hahah!

Anyway, we started walking down the street, and as soon as we turn around, we run into Amon Amarth. They took me and my brother out to lunch with them, it was awesome.

Oh and Johan loves my mom:lol:

Moral of the story is, they're awesome guys, and they won't say no to an autograph or picture. Come before a show, stay afterwards, they'll come out, be patient is all.

that's so awesome! you lucky thing!!!! :rock:
We just waited in line to see the show really early, and Johan just walked right though us going in the front door, I don't think he could find the side door. I didn't recognize him even :p.

The someone left the front door unlocked later so we walked in and there he was again. Yeah, nice guy.

But the band doesn't "come up to you". :p
ohhh, okay! way cool, btw...
how of all people could you not reconized Johan Hegg? O - o

also: i like the Folk Metal in your sig ^ __ ^
ohhh, okay! way cool, btw...
how of all people could you not reconized Johan Hegg? O - o

also: i like the Folk Metal in your sig ^ __ ^
Most people are recognized by their faces. Most people who run into Johan do not run into his face. They run into his belly button. Maybe he didn't recognize his bellybutton? :lol:
I didn't know what Amon Amarth looked like when I saw Johan walking out of the resturaunt. I kinda acted on impulse and blew my horn yelling Amon Amarth,it was funny.
He drives the bus? Man if they're looking for a bus driver when they come back to the US I'm totally down for that. :cool:

Tyra is talking about the tour we did back in 2005, that one we had to do by van.
Luckily we're able to go by bus now, otherwise we wouldn't be touring at all we're not kids anymore.
I was thinking about the North American one where the spare tire got left behind somewhere, and the one where Johan had to back the vehicle up with the trailer and all in that really cramped space at the Croatian Cultural Centre in Vancouver, before driving south in pea soup fog after the gig. Jeez, it doesn't feel like it was that long ago, but I guess it was in 2005! Fuck I'm old...
i met fredrik at the merch table...
they're usually pretty cool about making an effort to hang out with fans, sign stuff and pose for pictures...
sometimes you can find fredrik dragged out into the open at festivals/shows 'cause his girlie wants to see some band...
i met fredrik at the merch table...
they're usually pretty cool about making an effort to hang out with fans, sign stuff and pose for pictures...
sometimes you can find fredrik dragged out into the open at festivals/shows 'cause his girlie wants to see some band...

i met frederik at the merch table, and he was with his gf. i didnt know who she was at the time, so i totally tapped him on the shoulder and just shook his hand, i think i upset him...sorry fred!:ill:
i met frederik at the merch table, and he was with his gf. i didnt know who she was at the time, so i totally tapped him on the shoulder and just shook his hand, i think i upset him...sorry fred!:ill:

i don't think he minds...
i sum it up as "duty calls"...