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It's not really his fault you're PP does that. I've honestly never heard of that shit going down.
It's not really his fault you're PP does that. I've honestly never heard of that shit going down.
No, I'm not right and there's no "poor bastarding" - just stop being so fucking aggressive and abrasive. We all fuck up, and he's made it right. You can quit being such a little bitch about it now.
Then you leave your posts unattended for nearly a day
I will seriously pay you the $12 myself if you stop beating this dead horse.
Answering all questions, just how it happened, so as long as you ask me, I will answer! He fucked up, yes. And yes, he has finally made it .... well ... right! I did leave it alone, after alerting others with an Ebay like comment. Then he swoops in looking for back up as if he dealt with it in a professional manner, but didnt, far from it in fact, hence my feedback. So he says Im being a dick ( meaning he has screwed up in a big way, so negative feedback was left)! So I respond and let everyone know whats happened, and leave it at that. But no, he answers back with a comment on how he refunded my money straight away after I had sent it, (it was 8 hours later and a couple of PMs asking for 2 outcomes), and brings up that he "MAY" be in the wrong! Someone says to me its only $10!, so i explain the principle behind the matter, then yourself and someone else ask me about Paypal, so I answer your questions, then you proceed to come in and tell me to stop acting like yourself! So as long as you ask, or insult, (which I dont mind), i will keep on answering, hope this clears it up for you!
Dude some people actually have more important things to do than checking their mails 4 times a day.....
That ++
Shut you mouth full of shit AND call your mama she will give you the 12$.
This thread is funny...Don't you have 54 days to pay for all purchases on credit anyway? That's how my card works and that's usually how its done, so, since he reimbursed you stop crying and go and enjoy the boobs thread - its so good!
I want the 8 string soooooooooo bad. obzen hasnt left the cd player in my van for weeks. I would sell my soul. damn the gear for sale section... I`m broke!
We have one, and man is it weird to play at first! Once you get the hang of it it's like instant meshuggah, all you want to do is play syncopated chugs. it's not bad to solo on either.
quite honestly tho it's sort of a novelty, you're not missing much.