Megadeth broke up


Apr 14, 2001

"During the first week of January 2002, while Megadeth was on hiatus, in Texas, I suffered an
injury that caused severe nerve damage to my left arm and hand. It was diagnosed as Radial
Neuropathy - specifically, a "compressed radial nerve." My doctors tell me it will take about a year
to make as complete a recovery as I can, and even then, we don't know how complete that is going
to be. I am working hard with a great team of doctors and physical therapists daily, and God willing,
someday I hope to play guitar again.

In the meantime, while I work on rebuilding my arm, I will take this opportunity to reappraise my
career and my future. For the time being I have decided to exit Megadeth, and explore other areas of
the music business where I might make a contribution without being able to play my instrument.

I have had a terrific time singing and playing for you while I was in Megadeth. I am truly grateful
for all of the numerous Gold, Platinum, and Multi-Platinum Records I have been awarded, as well as
the many International Record Awards. And I can never thank you, our fans past and present,
enough for your loyalty and affection over the years.

My immediate goals now are to do what I can to make something good come out of this terrible
situation. First and foremost, I want to use this opportunity to devote more time, energy and
attention to my wife Pam and my two children, Justis and Electra. Pam has done a wonderful job
carrying the load while I was a long-distance husband and father in the studio or criss-crossing the
world on tour, but in terms of being a Gold or Platinum parent, I have a long way to go, and I'm
eager to get started.

In closing I would like to depart with the beautiful French words I wrote on the record Youthanasia:

"A tout le monde, a tous mes amis, Je vous aime, Je dois partir."
(To all the world, to all my friends. I love you, I have to leave)

Dave Mustaine
April 3rd, 2002

This is no good :(

I hope this is a joke but ive seen it posted lots of places....
I should also add I read that Dave Ellefson was going to play bass for Metallica, thats probably untrue id say, but I thought id say it anyway.......

This sucks, what a crappy way to start my day..... Im glad I got to see them live before this, it was awesome :D

*sigh* :cry:
Well, it's on the official site so I'm guessing it's true - I doubt they'd post false press releases! And the date that it was put up is April 3, not April 1.

I've noticed that bands seem to split up just after Australian tours - Megadeth, Fear Factory, Faith No More... that's all I can think of. Still, that's three huge bands!
Yeah apparently his arm was bad on the American tour before that and it got even worse. Its a shame :cry:
I hope he gets better and can get the band back together Blues Brothers style and rock on :D
Though at this point in his career, id say being with his family and being healthy are the most important things to him I guess.
Originally posted by Spiff

I've noticed that bands seem to split up just after Australian tours - Megadeth, Fear Factory, Faith No More... that's all I can think of. Still, that's three huge bands!

Thats weird!
Rumours of this have been floating around for a while. It began as a rumour that Al Pitrelli would be leaving the band.. Then David Ellefson was going to Metallica.. Then the BB was shut-down..

Too me, it's all a really sad end. Although I have admitted The World Needs A Hero never did much for me - it did leve me very excited about the future prospects of Megadeth. And now that's gone :cry:

Looks like Rude Awakening is there farewell. :cry:
It doesn't seem like a joke - it's on their homepage. I saw Megadeth play live maybe 6 times - I used to love them. But then they became crap so maybe this is for the best. Even their own fans couldn't put up with their last few albums.

The amazing thing is, they split (coincidentally or not) following the absolute slaughter by their fans about the last few records - especially Rude Awakenings. Everyone was screaming "enough is enough", and then they split...go figure.

Dave Mustaine would be a good producer for some up and coming bands. He's made millions I'm sure so he can sponsor some proper metal bands now and help them avoid making the same mistakes they made.
I wonder what Al will do now. It'd be good to see him in a band for a decent length of time - he was in Savatage for a few years, but I think that's the longest he's been with a band. He's far too good a guitarist to just do session work all the time, but if that's what makes him happy...
Originally posted by LucioArgento

The amazing thing is, they split (coincidentally or not) following the absolute slaughter by their fans about the last few records - especially Rude Awakenings. Everyone was screaming "enough is enough", and then they split...go figure.

Actually, most people seem to really like Cryptic Writings (myself included) and think TWNAH is ok (not brilliant but average) the only one people seem to actively dislike is Risk.

Also, most Deth fans seem to like RA, so I dont know where you are getting the slaughtered bit from......

Spiffy: I was just wondering what Al would do now about 3 minutes ago.....
How sad that their swan song was Rude Awakenings?

Perhaps this adds credence to Dave Ellefson joining Metallica? That would be awesome.

I feel bad for Dave M - as a guitarist he was spectacular. Having an injury like that may destory him mentally.

Megadeth - RIP.
Originally posted by Spiff
"Cryptic Writings" is a brilliant album. It rocks like little else hath ever rocked before.

:headbang: You DO have the power my friend :D

I should stop posting in this thread, too much Spawny gets annoying REAL quick.
Originally posted by spawn

Actually, most people seem to really like Cryptic Writings (myself included) and think TWNAH is ok (not brilliant but average) the only one people seem to actively dislike is Risk.

I LOVED Cryptic Writings - I too was referring to Risk, and I hated The World needs a Hero. But yes, CW and everything before that was incredible. Of course their magnum opus was RIP.

Also, most Deth fans seem to like RA, so I dont know where you are getting the slaughtered bit from......

Dude - were you not reading their bulletin boards?? Holy shit - they even took it off-line it became so bad. Some of it continued on other metal bulletin boards (Iron Maiden forum included).

Seriously, fans were pissed. Releasing "Risk", "Capitol Punishment", "TWNAH" (which included Dread and the fugitive mind AGAIN), and then the crappy Rude Awakenings, the fans were feeling like they were getting milked for all their worth.

I will miss Megadeth. But then again, I miss Metallica and they're still together.
Originally posted by LucioArgento

I will miss Megadeth. But then again, I miss Metallica and they're still together.

:lol: I cant be the only one that pissed myself laughing when I read that right? Classic stuff :)

Well from all the Deth fans ive talked to on this and other boards most seem to enjoy the album, I dont think its that great myself, but if others enjoy it thats all that matters :D
Originally posted by spawn

Well from all the Deth fans ive talked to on this and other boards most seem to enjoy the album, I dont think its that great myself, but if others enjoy it thats all that matters :D

True - I'm just telling you what was being said on their own BB's - in fact, the last time I looked, they hadn't put them back up.

Don't get me wrong though - I just prefer to remember Megadeth for their early days (leading up to CW). If Megadeth split up in 1990 I would have been mortified. It just doesn't have the same impact today.

Clash of the Titans 1991 - what a gig that was.
Originally posted by LucioArgento
Dude - were you not reading their bulletin boards?? Holy shit - they even took it off-line it became so bad. Some of it continued on other metal bulletin boards (Iron Maiden forum included).

Seriously, fans were pissed. Releasing "Risk", "Capitol Punishment", "TWNAH" (which included Dread and the fugitive mind AGAIN), and then the crappy Rude Awakenings, the fans were feeling like they were getting milked for all their worth.

This is correct. One wonders whether the split would have happened has Rude Awakening been better recieved.
(fuck, even a better album cover would have helped that)