Megadeth Fans: Read (again)


I see dumb people
Mar 21, 2002
West Lafayette, IN
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Yeah, i know i posted b4 about the break up rumors, but i had to again as some new info came to light.

Basically it says Mustaine has suffered a compressed radial nerve in his arm and can take up to a year to heal with physical therapy, if it heals at all. It says he's quit megadeth to contribute to music where he doesn't have to play guitar.
Btw: This is pretty legit, i'm not like that fucker MSC who posts shit to joke around. and megadeth are on good terms, and they're a legit site.

:waah: :waah: :waah: :Puke: :waah: :Puke: :ill: :yell:

god, i hope this is somehow bullshit
It all seems to make sense especially with knac being a reliable source, With the weird happenings of the past few days and what was said on the article, it all makes sense and i am saddened.

I posted this same topic. Must have been at the same time but either way, someone will read them.
where do we go from here?
and should we really care?
the end is finally here...
god have mercy!

I am in total shock. This is a sad day for metal imo. At least they can't water down their catalog any more...they weren;t going to match their earlier works. It is still sad though...especially for such an awesome guitarist.




PS: I hope David E goes to Metallica
Originally posted by Pilgrim
Anything after So far, So good sucked ass anyways.


you are kidding, right?!

to start with, SFSGSW is the worst of Megadeth's early stuff...
and immediately after that, they did the LEGENDARY Rust In Peace!
Originally posted by Poison God
I It is still sad though...especially for such an awesome guitarist.

yeah, that's what I'm thinking.. I don't know what I'd do if I lost the ability to play guitar. My pinky on my fret hand was all infected and hurting this past week for like three days, and I was bummed then. Couldn't imagine not being able to bang out my favorite riffs for the rest of my life!