Megadeth - Th1irt3en

It's good but I somewhat get the feeling all the songs sound alike.
That pretty much sums up my feelings about Megadeth since Rust in Peace. I mean they still produce a song here and there that I really like that stands out but overall they haven't had a really top notch album in ages. Just my 2 cents of course.
How could anyone not be happy with this?


Mustaine's playing the wrong guitar, the vocals sound like shit, the new song sucks, Broderick's make-up failed, Shawn Drover is boring, they should've played Letterman like they did in 1994, Megadeth sold out to Halloween, Mustaine's still whing about Metallica in every interview, no matter what they do Lulu will outsell 13, ...

JK That video rules!!!
How could anyone not be happy with this?


Love the vid, somehow it sure made the song better to listen to...still..gotta love Megadeth.

If Mustaine is still whining about the 'Tallica boys, guess the only 'logical' solution is to try & 'outdo' the 'Tallica boys again..So maybe a secret project with some classic act is being planned right now by Dave...

Shhh..after all the photoshoots for Big4, the hi-fives and hugs..still Dave got things to complaint about Jaymz & co..
If Mustaine is still whining about the 'Tallica boys, guess the only 'logical' solution is to try & 'outdo' the 'Tallica boys again..So maybe a secret project with some classic act is being planned right now by Dave...

Shhh..after all the photoshoots for Big4, the hi-fives and hugs..still Dave got things to complaint about Jaymz & co..

If you're referring to my previous post, I was only joking. He hasn't been whining for a while now.
That song is sooo boring but I have heard a couple other tracks off the CD that kicked ass. Ill be picking it up.
They look a lot cooler dressed up like that. I don't know how Chris Broderick was able to go through an entire song without looking like a poster child for pretty boy glam rock magazine. He wasn't able to move his hair back and forth, side to side like a chick. He must have been dying inside!

You're making it too obvious, watch out or people will find out!
OK, having listened to the new cd a few times, I really like it. It's no RIP or Peace Sells, but I didn't expect it to be. It's at least as good as their last 3 or 4 cd's.
I got the album and I am with Timmy C on this one - I do like the album but it is certainly nothing new sounding on it.
Will say that now after a good 5-6 listens all the way through it is better than on first listen. Far from special though. And some of the lyrics are plain awful. But on the whole, on par with UA or Endgame for me.
Is it just me or does the second half of the song 'New World Order' sound a lot like Take No Prisoners? I think the best parts of this album are the ones that sound like older stuff, but obviously not as good. Endgame was really good and is the only newer Megadeth I've been able to get into. This isn't bad though, just not great.
It's fairly average. Tried my best but cannot find anything outstanding. Preferred UA.
Unto the Locust is better (by a long way) but even this is trumped by WM!