

Aug 15, 2003
This is just a poem (gasp! poem! NOOO SAVE ME!) I wrote while listening to Forest Stream and jus thought that I would put it here.

Feels like something going to happen
The winds of change will sweep across this desolate terrain
What will happen?
Today things will begin to change

The cold winds sweep in from the north
Bringing with them the breath of death for summer
Freezing winds will sweep the leaves off the dying trees
Leaving the world bare

Death sets into the rhythm of life
The forest is now dying
Think mists leak in and cover all in pale embrace
And the leaves breath there last as they fall to the frozen floor

The winds bring snow and ice
Soon the snowfall will come
To bury all beneath a cloud so white
Sending all to a wonderland

Winter Equinox
It is here in the snowfall
That I can come to understand this winter land
To feel the life hidden beneath your feet
And see with open eyes vanishing visions of heaven

I stare down at a puddle made from melting snow
The world slowly begins to awaken
What I gained is now lost
Melted with the winter snow

The flowers are in full bloom
And everything is alive
All are brimming of life
Letting life pass them bye

Feels like something will happen
Maybe not today or the next
In a year maybe
All things will change

All shall fade away into oblivion

I know I shall never (never say never... wait... thats a paradox) ever be able to match the majesty of Forest Stream but hey cheap imitations sometimes are good... Or not.
Very good!
It pushed me to write new lyrics... Thanks man!:)
He... I was having a bit of insomnia so I wrote this. I used alot of the lyrics from FS as the basis and guidline of the story. At times it may be a bit hard to understand, but meh, it is an abstract peice that I dont mean to be a "here is what I want you to learn" type of story. If any of you know any modernist writings think somewhere along those lines.

In a busy room filled with much laughter and noise there say a man by the fire. Unlike the other people in the room he sat completely alone and did not partake in the laughter of the others. No one talked to him and he talked to no one. His name no one remembered, everyone called him simply, Nai’tain.
In the old tongue it meant simply ‘the only one.’ What is interesting about the name is that in an even older language it had another meaning, ‘the one watcher.’ Everyone in the room knew this but no one cared. It didn’t matter to them who this man was or who he was waiting for. They only cared about the present, the past be damned for all they cared.
Suddenly a thunderous roar went up through the room and complete silence followed. The man stood up raised his staff and another roar erupted from out of no where. At this he seemed complete and strode out the door.
In a few moments everyone went back to talking and laughing except for one man. He felt a new sensation burn in side him. It seemed to pull at him and consume him to go out the door and follow the old man. The young man tried making talk and laughing but nothing seemed to the same to him any more. After a few minutes the man walked out of the room and out the door.
Stepping out of the door the man found himself in a great snow capped forest. In front of him stood the old man. The old man peered him for awhile before he started to speak, “The moan... Who has remembered? Who is still able to remember about how they did dream and yearn, laugh and dance and then about how they were dying? How they flew towards the stellar worlds beyond the horizons of mind where all our laws are nothing at all. Maybe to dwell forgotten maybe once to return…”
The young man stared at the old man before replying, “Dark are thy eyes and dark is the soul of yours. What is it you know of them? Reveal to me their stories…”
“Your soul knows of them, your very bones yearn for them. I know you feel them, as I do. And now as deep as never before I feel them call to me. From the brightest blaze from place where all the paths come to the end. They, the misunderstood ones who wished a strange spell of winter magic. They who've left this world when the world was changed.” The old man said.
“I know of what you speak. They too call to me. Let us sing the ancient spell.” The young man said.
Grasping each others hands they spoke aloud in the old tongue, “Embrace me with a winter blizzard. Give me the power of all the winds. In the serenity of the endless woods, unite me with my shadow…”
Around them the snow began to blow and soon the entire forest was covered in a majestic blizzard, the likes the world had never seen.
A vision, so clear, so pure, appeared in there minds. A endless column of black hooded men stood before them. One moved toward them but a doorway from the abyss opened up and he was lost in forever.
“These are the minds of all in the room. They have Frozen minds which have been bred to be deaf to the ancient tunes... I grieve to think of lost wisdom of the centuries. Yet a time may yet come when the ancient melody may return and awaken these minds.” the old man said. “Now go, search for the word, the melody, so charming, so sweet, the poison of soul. My time is come. I have realized myself.” The old man took a step and with a heart piercing scream sank into the abyss with a smile on his lips.
Closing his eyes the young man listened and soon a word came to him. “Mel Kor,” was all he said. The world changed and he found himself far away beyond the blackest ocean of blood on the boundless scope of the lost mainland of Nameless Horror under pale nebulas united in mysterious runes.
Around him nothing was. No beast, no bird, not even shade, time did not even seem to flow. All there seems to be is fang-shaped towers of hollow torment stand embraced by crimson flames. Suddenly I know that it is there that I must go.
From the land itself I hear, “Kor me o antie tae taeirny!" I see now the curse we have been blinded by for to long. In this dark time of this realm of damned we are condemned to grief like gods of sorrow...
I came to seek the wisdom no one ever did, yet here I dwell for winds of destiny persuade my mortal being to stay forever with this strange beauty...
Leave me, I've chosen. I take this day, this land, with all its hate and despair so lifeless, gray and exist less. I am in the last day among the lost days. Now I know my destiny, to remain her in this hell where I am the only lie, the forever lie like you are. I will remain here waiting for the sunrise, the step to the endless night. I see the steps of mankind and weep in hope of their salvation.

Well what you think?
I am nearly crying... I have never thought there would be some one who appreciates what we sing about. It's amazing. And I am copying what you have written to keep it for being uploaded to our web page if you don't mind of course! You touched me young man, you really did. I can not describe what I feel by now, but it's what worth of living for sure. This all inspires me unimaginably to continue the story, which was started by ears...
And the only thing I want to add is:

...He was standing before the open mouth of The Abyss... It was just a step between him and his roaring oblivion. Tongues of crimson-dark flame were beckoning him: ...come... come... for your pain to be vanquished forever! But suddenly a graceful melody started to dance around his suffering soul and body. It was descending from the dream-holes of the ancient church he was standing in the middle of. He took a deep breath of the frosty air and stepped away from the burning edge...
The pain was leaving him and then he asked...

- Who are you?
and hundreds of wispering voices answered...
- Hushhhhh!!! Don't say a word, just listen... don't you hear that winter is on his way? It's coming and we are her silent envoys!
Sonm, I would be honored to let you use my work on your site. Let me fix some of the grammer first. Hehe it was written at 4 in the morning so sorry if the grammer was a bit incoherent.
Ok... First off... My main computer just exploded... (Im on my laptop now). I hear two bangs and I look down and I see light coming out of my computer (my moniter turned off). I am like WTF? Then I am like O SHIT!! Well the point is... There is no point. <-- true story just happened.

Anyway here is a edited up version of the story (fixed some errors, added on sonms part and added on a sentance to his part (to make it more complete).

Well here it is:

In a busy room filled with much laughter and noise there sat a man by the fire. Unlike the others in the room he sat completely alone and did not join in the merriness of the rest of the room. No one talked to him and he talked to no one. His name no one remembered, everyone called him simply, Nai’tain.
In the old tongue Nai’tain meant simply ‘the only one,’ but in an older language it had another meaning, ‘the one watcher.’ Everyone in the room knew this but no one cared. It didn’t matter to them who this man was or who he was waiting for. They only cared about the present, the past be damned for all they cared.
Suddenly a thunderous roar went up through the room and complete silence followed. The man stood up raised his staff and another roar erupted from out of nowhere. At this he seemed content and strode out the door. The door… No one had ever gone out it before, no one knew what was beyond it. All there ever was is the room.
In a few moments everyone went back to talking and laughing except for one man. He felt a new sensation burn in side him. It seemed to pull at him and consume him. He felt a desire like he had never felt before to go out the door and follow the old man. The young man tried making talk and laughing but nothing seemed to the same to him any more. The colors were less bright, the beer less tasty. To the young man each laugh became like a needle that shot right through him. After a few minutes the man walked out of the room and out the door.
Stepping out of the door the man found himself in a great snow capped forest, a frozen wonderland. In front of him stood the old man. The old man peered him for awhile before he started to speak, “The moan... Who has remembered? Who is still able to remember about how they did dream and yearn, laugh and dance and then about how they were dying? How they flew towards the stellar worlds beyond the horizons of mind where all our laws are nothing at all. Maybe to dwell forgotten maybe once to return…”
The young man stared at the old man before replying, “Dark are thy eyes and dark is the soul of yours. What is it you know of them? Reveal to me their stories…”
“Your soul knows of them, your very bones yearn for them. I know you feel them, as I do. And now as deep as never before I feel them call to me. From the brightest blaze from place where all the paths come to the end. They, the misunderstood ones, who wished a strange spell of winter magic. They who've left this world when the world was changed.” The old man whispered.
“I know of what you speak. They too call to me. Let us sing the ancient spell.” The young man said.
Grasping each others hands they spoke aloud in the old tongue, “Embrace me with a winter blizzard. Give me the power of all the winds. In the serenity of the endless woods, unite me with my shadow…”
Around them the snow began to blow and soon the entire forest was covered in a majestic blizzard, the likes the world had never seen. Around the world grew black and a vision, so clear, so pure, appeared in there minds. A endless column of black hooded men stood before them. One moved toward them but a doorway from the abyss opened up and he was lost in forever.
“These are the minds of all in the room. They have frozen minds which have been bred to be deaf to the ancient tunes... I grieve to think of lost wisdom of the centuries. Yet a time may yet come when the ancient melody may return and awaken these minds.” the old man said. “Now go, search for the word, the melody, so charming, so sweet, the poison of soul. My time is come. I have realized myself.” The old man took a step and with a heart piercing scream sank into the abyss with a smile on his lips.
Closing his eyes the young man listened and soon a word came to him. “Mel Kor,” was all he said. The world changed and he found himself far away beyond the blackest ocean of blood on the boundless scope of the lost mainland of Nameless Horror under pale nebulas united in mysterious runes.
Around him nothing was. No beast, no bird, not even shade, time did not even seem to flow. All there seemed to be is fang-shaped towers of hollow torment that stand embraced by crimson flames ablaze in the heavens. Suddenly the young man knew where he must go.
From the land itself the young man heard, “Kor me o antie tae taeirny!"
The young man spoke aloud, to himself, to everyone, “I see now the curse we have been blinded by for to long. In this dark time of this realm of damned we are condemned to grief like gods of sorrow... I came to seek the wisdom no one ever did, yet here I dwell for winds of destiny persuade my mortal being to stay forever with this strange beauty…
“Leave me, I've chosen. I take this day, this land, with all its hate and despair so lifeless, gray and exist less. I am in the last day among the lost days. Now I know my destiny, to remain here in this hell where I am the only lie, the forever lie like you are. I will remain here waiting for the sunrise, the step to the endless night. I see the steps of mankind and weep in hope of their salvation.
He was standing before the open mouth of The Abyss... It was just a step between him and his roaring oblivion. Tongues of crimson-dark flame were beckoning him: “...come... come... for your pain to be vanquished forever!” But suddenly a graceful melody started to dance around his suffering soul and body. It was descending from the dream-holes of the ancient church he was standing in the middle of. He took a deep breath of the frosty air and stepped away from the burning edge...
The pain was leaving him and he asked “Who are you?”
Hundreds of whispering voices answered “Hushhhhh!!! Don't say a word, just listen... don't you hear that winter is on his way? It's coming and we are her silent envoys!” As the voices faded away the man heard one last thing, “Just smile and watch the storm advent…” Sitting down on the cold black stone the man sat back and watched.

Sonm: Feel free to use it/edit it/what not. Just let me see what you do.
Good! I'll post is as soon as I have our web page under control. Now we are experiencing some troubles with a domain moving. Cheers
Heh... anyone like making fun of politics?

Why Vote for the Lesser of two Evils?

So, the election is coming up and people will be figuring out who they want to vote for. Some will watch the presidential debates, go to their speeches, research them, yet, in the end, people will vote for who they think is &#8220;the lesser of the two evils.&#8221; So I ask, &#8220;Why! Why should people vote for the lesser of two evils?&#8221;
By voting for the lesser of the evils you are just delaying the collapse of the political system. You are just causing further pain on yourself and others. So why would you want to feel pain and hunger? Why watch your children get killed slowly through war? The solution to this is simple. Vote for the greatest of the evils! Not the greater, but the greatest&#8230; Satan!
Vote Satan in as president and all our problems would be swept away. We would have no hungry, sick, or poor. Why? Because we would all be dead!
In Satan&#8217;s first year of presidency he would declare war on everyone else and would set his armies of hell loose on the world killing everyone. With everyone dead who can be hungry, or poor? With Satan as president there would finally be peace on earth and there would finally be a utopian society where everyone is equal.
As a gift Satan has also pledged that if you vote for him he will give you eternal life as a demon in his army forever living in perfect happiness letting the eons go by without a care in the world. He also promises that you and your family will be part of the last ones to die here on earth. But that&#8217;s not all, while you are here you can enjoy unlimited pleasures!
Sounds good doesn&#8217;t it? Too good to be true? No! It&#8217;s the truth and nothing but the truth.
Satan also says, &#8220;To my voters, don&#8217;t even try to find another way to solve your problem. It doesn&#8217;t matter that the electoral college is not functioning correctly, or that it is only a two party system, or that the only people that can ever become president are rich people who by the good graces of their fathers become well known. No, that doesn&#8217;t matter! Take the easy and only solution to this problem. Vote for me! Satan for president. Goodbye. And, Peace.&#8221;

YAY... I am bored... <(`.`)> <-- the kirby of bordom.

Anyone know of Woods of Ypres?