Mel Gibson Blows the fuck up

I feel bad for that girl , geeze.
However I do find it a little funny when he blows up on here about her "FAKE FUCKING TITS you have to show EVERYWHEREEE" haha
and when he's like "YOU LIED TO ME YOU NEVER TOLD ME THEY WERE FAKE!!!!" Who cares if they're real

and when he's just breathing heavy for like 30 seconds I was genuinely freaked out
Man , if this is real , i can only think on 2 thinks : 1 - Mel need to layback on cocaine and alcohol 2 - A metal band should hired him to do some vocals, he has talent for writting cool lines, his screams are really powerfull , put some saturation, comp , some eq and bang ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

pd : Fuck me man, i just listened to the other videos, shit is sad ........ Alcohol can turn you into a monster.

William Wallace FTMFW
I'm gonna play devil's advocate here for a second and ask-

what did she do to him to provoke this kind of response?

I'm not defending his actions or anything because obviously they are despicable but you can't tell me a woman hasn't made you fuming mad to the point where you aren't really thinking straight anymore? you also can't deny that their are plenty of conniving deceitful gold digging sluts out there that will take you for everything you're worth.

(no I don't have a women-hating problem)
(ok maybe a little haha)

Dude is insane lol
He´s just ready to play Mad Max 4 now.
Funny narration by Opie and Anthony (XM radio)
4 parts to it

I can kinda see what these guys are saying about it being a private phone conversation , but obviously this dude is totally unstable and people need to hear this shit. If I was a famous movie star and I blew up on the phone numerous times like this to my girlfriend , I would totally expect it on the news the next day. You can't just be like , "He was drunk / had a bad day" I've been pretty drunk and angry in my past and I've never come close to screaming shit like that to anyone , not even my worst enemies. Dude needs to be in a padded room
Very... passionate.

"Just smile and blow me"?!? hahaha.. that's epic!

"I need a woman, not a little girl with a dysfunctional cunt"...

Oh lol.. im going to watch what women want now..
You're all gonna hate me for bringing this up, but I find it really interesting that inherently violent/crazy people like this frequently use their religious faith as some kind of shield. It's like a facade of denial, and when the real person comes out underneath it's like an explosion of hypocrisy. I honestly don't know how anyone who could ever, at any point, for whatever reason, say things like that could call themselves a peace-loving Christian.