Melbourne visit this weekend


Jun 11, 2001
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I will be in Melborne this weekend if anyone is interested in catching up for a beer at some stage.I am going to the Rugby (union!) on Saturday night but should be free Saturday day or Sunday
Originally posted by Bucko
Ralphe - wearing your suit , polar bear suit.... or maybe bundy rum bear.... Have a good one Bucko ..

nows there's an intersting idea...wonder if i get free Bundy if i turn up in the polar bear suit!
Well today was the most upsetting day of my life. Can someone who's been in this situation tell me it gets better over time, and you get used to the absence of a loved one?

I haven't been in it yet, but my grandpa is 94 so it probably isn't far off and we've been really really close my whole life, so I'm hoping it doesn't happen for a while, coz I don't know what I'd do :/ He's pretty damn healthy for his age though.
It does get better my father died whe I was 13,it actually has been 14 yrs on June 3rd. I still think of him a lot and wish he had been around a lot longer...but hey thems the breaks. I have also seen my grandfather die ten yrs ago,still think of him a lot as well.
So don't worry it all eventually gets better. You just gotta think of how they would like to see you go on...this pulled me through many times.
my thoughts are out there for you!:D
Thanks guys. I guess it'll have to get better over time. I just hope he can make an appearance in some way to let me know he's still around me.

Make sure you spend as much time with your one as you can, Trent. It'll make it much easier for you if he goes and you can't see him again. At least then you'll know you did all you could to make the most of the time you had with him on earth. My Grandad had a health check and was given the all-clear last Friday, then died of a heart attack on Saturay (had a bad heart for a long time). We're all going to miss him heaps over here. Already do.