Meliah Rage - "Barely Human"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Alright to avoid Sixx frustration, I will post about an old (mid) school band and it returns to the spotlight :grin:

Meliah Rage is a speed/thrash band that made little impact in the 90's. Unlike Metal Church or Armored Saint these guys from Boston were confined a more obscure scene to the point that become kind of cult eventually.

I was lucky enough to get acquainted with their music by finding their third album "Death Valley Dreams" in a used store. The album impressed so much that I track down their other two albums and even their live EP. I was even able to get their "Unfinished Business" album, recordings from 92-96 that never made it to an album as they are (a couple of songs nevertheless did hit DVD with some changes).

Most noticeable in MR was their former vocalist Mike Munro, his voice wasn't somthing to die for, but had emotion and a distinctive tone that gave the band a personal sound in a way. Several drummers and a couple of bass players had passed through the band but the contant has been the guitars (Nichols and Koury).

After DVD the band seemed to have call it a day, and UB was released afterwards independently.

Now in 2004, Nichols and Koury had assembled again the metal machine with a new drummer (Spillberg also in Wargasm), new bass (Johnsson) and an impressive tall bald guy who sings fiercely (Souza) but with quality. Even if he hasn't Munro typical sound he delivers perfectly fine for the revamped band. The music is still power/thrash with a fresher sound but by not means sounding mallcorite. The most "modern" is a segment at the end of 'Hell Song', the rest being really good stuff including the long instrumental 'Rigid' (8:11).

My copy comes with a bonus CD being no other thing that "Unfinished Business", so if is not big deal for me it can be a great bonus for someone who already have the first albums (and the price is standard for a single album, at least in CDUniverse).

My fave songs so far are: 'Invincible', 'Ungodly' and 'Rigid'. The strong heaviness combines with good melody, nice riffs and well crafted solos. Highly recommended to OS fans.
ewww Meliah Rage (please dont tell me you will flame me for this) lol jkk Wyvern... i couldnt help it.. anyways they do sound familiar.. i mean the band name... i dont recall if i have heard them though.. If they were from the 90's then I might not have since i was into thrash throughout the 80's and got disillusioned when the metal scene pretty much died when the 90's hit.. you found this in Costa Rica? .. shoot i wonder what other jewels could be found in CR.. i should of looked when i was down there on vacation back in Dec/Jan.. i will next time though.. heard there is a big storm in CR today Wyvern.. i spoke to sis on phone earlier...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
ewww Meliah Rage (please dont tell me you will flame me for this) lol jkk Wyvern.
Igniting the torch :p

.. i couldnt help it.. anyways they do sound familiar.. i mean the band name... i dont recall if i have heard them though.. If they were from the 90's then I might not have since i was into thrash throughout the 80's and got disillusioned when the metal scene pretty much died when the 90's hit
I got them just because I look at the album ("Death Valleyt Dream") and I tried at the store, after the hearing it convinced me enough to purchase it, so I started with the band there.

.. you found this in Costa Rica? .. shoot i wonder what other jewels could be found in CR..
Here? You must be joking, I have only found once a difficult to get album in a store. Nah, I got it in Reno when I was living in there up to June this year. Most of my collection has come from US during trips, by mail or during my study years there. I bought few albums here, the most I try is Spanish metal which is hard to get in US or special European stuff that for some reason reach here at better prices than US.

next time though.. heard there is a big storm in CR today Wyvern.. i spoke to sis on phone earlier...
Storm here? Nope, sunny as California the storm is in Miami. BTW, where are you there?
You are in NY and want to but CDs in here? You need a shrink!

Is your sis single? :D
I have to make a correction. Jesse Johnson was the original bass player from the fisrt two albums, he is back for "Barely Human" which makes 3/5 of the original lineup.