Melissa vs. Don't Break the Oath

Which album is better?

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I can't recall saying it's not a great/fantastic album, but whatever.
Anything that involves King Diamond is awesome. Period.

But, I voted for both, but If I couldn't choose both, it would have to be Melissa by a bit more.
Actually, I just recently got some Mercyful Fate. Both of them seem about equal, but Oath wins for me, though, it just seems a little better, I'll have to give it time to sink in though.
I listened to Oath yesterday & today & it's much , much better than I remembered. It's got much better production, but I don't think the song quality is quite that of Melissa. Still really good though, & one of the more overlooked albums in my collection.

Anybody here like Time? I love that one.

np:Mercyful Fate - Desecration of Souls