Mellow Records ?

it just arrived

it's really odd, it was mellow records all along right? i opened the package, it had a EUR 5,30 poststamp on it, and inside was another package: looks like he bought a cd from his own label (!) from a guy with a russian name who lives in the US. wtf? so there is about 7 euros of shipping in the 20 euros i paid, haha!^

well, back when i ordered it had to make a world tour first, so i guess they didnt have any on stock back then?

When I opened my package there was a second package inside! The cds were inside an enveloppe that was addressed to him and came from a Welsh prog rock mailorder. I think he just recycles enveloppes :lol:
no, if yours is like mine, the inner package is unopened so it must have come from wales!

maybe they are copies that the other mailorders didnt sell and returned to mellow?

dan, how many copies were printed back then? looks like these are indeed the last copies.