Mellowmuse IR1A for Impulses


New Metal Member
Nov 11, 2010
For anyone using the Mellowmuse IR1A for impulses...

What are you setting the LEN/START settings at?

I set the dry at 0% and wet at 100%. Am I correct in doing this?

I've been having some issues with getting a good sound out of the impulses. I thought maybe I have the LEN/START setting set wrong.
The LEN/START is set on it's own based on what impulse you have loaded. I never change them, only dry to 0% and wet to 100%, that's the only things I change in IR1A.
Hmm, My LEN setting never changes when I load different impulses. It's always at far left and it sounds like crap until I move the knob.
FWIW I just updated IR1-A, and with the new version, there's sometimes something really funky going on unless I engage the LPF, even if it's maxed out. Haven't had a chance to look into it some more, and I haven't used it for impulses in a while anyway, but maybe it's the same thing. Before the GUI update, I never had to touch anything but the dry/wet ratio in the plugin.