Melodeath w/ wierd vocals (Revalver, Nebula, Slate, S2.0, AD)

Jättefint Sickis, nice and raw!

Do like everyone else said and you'll be kicking more ass'es.

Sick song aswell!


Tack gumman <3
Rövar kommer bli sparkade!

Damn nice man! Bra stuff!
That guitar tone hits right to my alley. The mix is sweet overall too! And not bad vocs. Maybe some altering could be screams etc.
Me likes.

Thanks alot!
Well I want to become better at screaming and such but that will probably take a while to learn :saint:

Guitar tone is sweet, song is sweet.

I don't think the guitar is too loud - I like the drums a bit buried as they are. But the drums sound rather muffled, I'd raise the highs on them. The mix overall lacks a bit of punch, so maybe bringing the guitars down a bit might help, but I think that fixing the drums will help more.

The toms at the end sound HUGE but a tad boxy.

Thanks dude!
Yeah I should probably raise the highs a bit and I'll try to make the guitars more balanced with the rest of the mix.
I always have problems with toms, they are a bitch to mix IMO, know any method of making them less boxy?

What a fucking great guitar sound!! Congrats for this, dude. I dig it a lot. I´m not a friend of the vocals though..matter of taste as usual in this genre. Great work!

Thanks Felix :)
The vocals are absolutly a matter of taste, the song is pretty cheezy so I wanted some... urhm... darker vocals :loco:
I always have problems with toms, they are a bitch to mix IMO, know any method of making them less boxy?

I think toms will sound weird out of a mix, so mix them with the guitars n stuff going. I like my drums and especially toms REALLY scooped, and a lot of other toms I've heard solo'd (Rockband multitracks or Mixing vids), they sound really scooped, but you don't notice it in the mix. Try scooping between 300 and 500 depending on the tom on the close-mic, a lot, then use the OHs and room mics to put the mids back in.
I think toms will sound weird out of a mix, so mix them with the guitars n stuff going. I like my drums and especially toms REALLY scooped, and a lot of other toms I've heard solo'd (Rockband multitracks or Mixing vids), they sound really scooped, but you don't notice it in the mix. Try scooping between 300 and 500 depending on the tom on the close-mic, a lot, then use the OHs and room mics to put the mids back in.

Sounds pretty logical when you say it, I know listen to my seperate tracks solo too often :(
I actually matched my low toms with the Machine Head multitrack but I think I notched it down, I'll match again and see if there is some wierd low mids in there!
Thanks for the advice :headbang: