Melodic Death/Deathcore preproduction


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2009
hey guys
this is my first post so be nice :D
ok so this are the first preproduced tracks for my band cold tragedy
made them a while ago and my computers hard disk was destroyed
during the recording of the prepro tracks
those are the three songs that were done before it happened
just wanted to get a few tips and hints from you guys what i could do

so this is what i know:
bass is kind of loud (will fix that in the new recordings)
will get a new guitar amp for the recording (that sound was done with a hughes & kettner warp 7 half stack)
and the snare is kinda whack :D will fix that too
but on the new recordings we recorded everything with our drummers e-drum and put the midi into samplitude so the sound will be more realistic(I'll work on that too)
so i just need a few tips to make it sound better guys
help me out :worship:
tell me what you think

here's the link:

hope it works

thanks and see you

Doesn't sound too bad except for that god awful snare. Drums sound ok other than that. Could have a better guitar sound but for a pre production this does the job well enough.
thx for the replies guys

yeah the snare will be replaced
i have a snare sound which is more versatile now
and we have all the velocities changing during the song
because our drummer recorded the drum parts
on his e-drum. so we just work around that and replace some cymbals
in ez-drummer with the dfh expansion

and i'm waiting for the new tube amp to arrive
but peavey kinda lets me down...i've been waiting for 4 weeks now
so the guitar sound will be better
that guitar sound was done with a h&k warp7 transistor half stack

maybe check out our myspace
there's our song OH SHIT
this is a new one with vocals :D

see ya