Melodic death metal band - what do you think?


Nov 23, 2007
Kent, UK
Hey guys
I found this forum a few months back and have learned a huge amount from it. I've been recording in a small home studio for about 4 years now but my results have significantly improved since I came across this forum!
This is the melodeath band I'm in - Silent Descent - and I've almost finished recording the album. Any feedback on the recording would be great so I can make improvements. Here's one of the songs off it:

Guitars are EMGs double tracked through a 6505, V30s, single SM57 on cab
Drums are Slate samples for kick and snare, chimaira tom samples and EZdrummer for cymbals
Vocals are all though an SM57

I like the guitar sound.

Overall production is quite good.

Voices and keyboards/samples are emphasized too much IMO... and that permanent effect on the non-clean vocals can be ok for some parts occasionally but throughout the entire song it just bugs me.

I'd give a bit more importance to bass/grs/drums as it is now. Right now they sound just like a "backing track" to vocals/keyboards/samples.
keyboards/samples are emphasized too much IMO
Agreed. It pushes the drums and guitar back and makes them sound distant. By bringing them down I think everything else will stand up much more.

Have you just put a doubler on the vocals are the start or double tracked them?
Vocals effects are defiantly cool but could possibly be abit over done on this track.
Sounds like you have down tuned his voice in some parts as well. Almost sounds a little bad, esp in the outro / bridge.. like he can't get that low so you downtune it, quite artificial which IMO for death metal is abit :S

The drums sound nice, guess thats a given when you program them!
The guitar is defiantly lost sometimes behind the synth.
IMO, the guitar is detailed and quite defined tone wise but is lacking abit of POWER at the minute.

The song is quite cool and catchy, I think its something alot of people could get into easy!
I like the guitar sound.

Overall production is quite good.

Voices and keyboards/samples are emphasized too much IMO... and that permanent effect on the non-clean vocals can be ok for some parts occasionally but throughout the entire song it just bugs me.

I'd give a bit more importance to bass/grs/drums as it is now. Right now they sound just like a "backing track" to vocals/keyboards/samples.

I have to agree with this. It sounds great, it could just use some tweaking. Personally, I'd try compressing those keys and thinning out their frequencies, like in the low and low-mid area, so it doesn't compete so much with the rest of the mix.

But, a really great job!!
Thanks for the feedback!
The vocals were double tracked and a doubler was put on them too, which listening back does sound a bit too much.. I'll take the doubler off them and hopefully that should sound better.

I've never thought of compressing the keys and on that mix I don't think I even put any EQ on them, so I'll give it a go. We want the synths to be quite prominant because it's the kind of sound we're going for, but not to the point where they cause the rest of the instruments to lose all their power.

I am still undecided as to whether to quad track the guitars or leave them as they are; my playing my not be tight enough for it to be beneficial.
I'll tweak the mix and post another one up asap
Thanks again,