Melodic Death recording (help me out)


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2009
so for guitars i used
my ibanez rgt6exfx with emg 81s...
straight into my tascam us-122L
from there it's
revalver (noise-gate - greener (tube screamer) - 6505 (i own a 6505 but i can't record it at a good volume here so i experimented with revalver) then i split the signal in revalver and used two of catharsis recordings awesometime impulses
that's pretty much it
little bit of tweaking with the mixer in samplitude
made everything a bit clearer

thanks for liking it dude
more stuff to come soon :D
hey man thath shits sounds great..i liked a lot! but i think the same about the hat... is really loud!
thx dude
i have a few problems with that bloody hat haha
i tried so many settings and volumes for that hat
and whatever i do
it either sounds really fucked up with too much fuzz in the midrange
or it's just too loud or too noisy...
or you can't hear the attack...
we tracked drums with e-drum and drumkits from hell
and the hat is kinda the only thing that really bothered me
there is no right volume for that freakin hat :D

but thanks for pointing it out guys
i'll try to tweak it a bit
but i kinda gave up on that hat