Trying to get my mix better before recording! (Critique please)

MisSigs: i actually don't have it anymore, All it is, is the same drums for the beginning riff of the song, if you want to use that. I had it so heavily saturated for a radio effect, i never really felt to change the sounds

Both: you should have all the files now. everything looking good?
Bounce a quick raw VST bass track. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular sounding, just something similar to a DI. I can't really do anything bass-wise with MIDI. If you're using google chrome, Andrew, control+S should save the file. I think firefox does it too.
The guitars are definitely thicker. Something I am really struggling with. It's either thick, but muffled and muggy. Or thin, but more clear cut :(
Speaking of impulses.... I have a hard time distinguish big differences in impulses. Idk why though. I mean, sometimes it's obvious, but when it's not obvious, its hard to tell. Maybe I just suck lol

Oh, and how's yours coming Cory?
A lot of impulses sound very similar. Having really good sound monitoring equipment and playing around with different mics and mic positions produces a noticeable difference, though at any rate, they're not as comparable to the sound of an actual mic and speaker setup.

Here's my take on the track:

My ears are semi-fried and the mp3 compression isn't doing wonders. The leads are also a bit too loud, I'll fix that in a few.
EDIT: okay, the leads should be less overbearing now.
Cory, what drum software are you using? I like that snare and kick a lot. Your toms made me realize that mine are puny.

Any tips on getting a thicker guitar without muddying/muffling it up?
Yep, that's exactly it. Steven Slate for the skins & tubs, and Sturgis' samples for the bronze. I only have SSD and SD2 on this computer, and I occasionally blend 'em together. The toms I used are the 'Fat Toms', and they certainly are fat! I would say to mess around with the guitar tone without any sort of post EQing - preamp distortion, amp settings and post-amp compression are big parts of the puzzle. I can even give you my pod farm patch info, if you so desire.
I'm having a go at this. Hopefully with decent results ;)

Reamping it all through my Baron Custom Amps K88! Sadly I can't find my Shure SM57 so it's going to be all direct.