Trying to get my mix better before recording! (Critique please)

Thanks :) Still got some work to do though. The china is bothering me.. Well, the guitars are sounding better for sure, but i feel that they are ..... weak? I'm glad its not as muffled, but they just dont seem thick :/
What you mean exactly? I'm down. What do i need to do to get it to ya? (what steps? ive never done this with anyone before)
Export your drums into a MIDI file, export the DIs into .wav's, put all of that into a .zip folder, upload it to dropbox and post the download link. Easy as that. Don't forget to include tempos and things like that in the post.
do you need any of my Podfarm presets, or impulses? drum maps (so you know what was meant to be hit, since some progs have different maps?) or any of the FX specs or anything? or simply just waves and midi?
ohok man! ill do it soon! ill try to do in within the hour, if not, itll be around 8pm Central time, so check around then if its not up yet
yeah, I wanna mess around with this too.

As for the china, I use the 19" Sabian AAXtreme China. It's the best sounding one, but it also might just be in the Metal Foundry pack.
MisSigs, well i JUST got the MetalFoundry pack, so ill be able to mess with that tonight too. Ill upload the waves, midi, and score notes around 8pm Central tonight. Excited to see what you two guys come up with! You need/want anything other than the waves and midi?
uploading now. tried to get Dropbox to let me just upload a folder, but it wouldnt, so i have to give you seperate download links :/