Trying to get my mix better before recording! (Critique please)

Hows this one? I messed with the EQ on my guitars. Turn the bass down. Fixed the lead volumes. With drums: EQd and compressed snare more, changed a tidbit of EQ on kick. Brought both levels up. Added the OHs to my parellel reverb bus. Changed the compression on my OHs. Fixed some levels. Hopefully this will sound more pleasant, and less muffled. (i feel the guitars are weak now though, maybe bc im used to hearing the guitars that you heard, mix after mix after mix while working on drums)

Am I going in the right direction?
That's sounding much better. The kick is still KILLING me, though. Cut some of the high end off of it. It's really cutting through too much. Also, give me the spec on your guitars. Programs used, EQing, panning, etc.
Thanks! I'm actually working on this kick right now! Guitars are hard panned left and right. Progs: Line 6 PodFarm and Waves VEQ4 Stereo.

I just realized i accidently had a different setting on my Right Guitar than my left. It was actually a preset that i was doing some referencing to.... ughhhh would you like me to link up the podfarm settings so you can just look at em?
Thanks! I'm actually working on this kick right now! Guitars are hard panned left and right. Progs: Line 6 PodFarm and Waves VEQ4 Stereo.

I just realized i accidently had a different setting on my Right Guitar than my left. It was actually a preset that i was doing some referencing to.... ughhhh would you like me to link up the podfarm settings so you can just look at em?
Nah, that's alright. You might wanna consider something other than Podfarm. It takes A LOT of skill to make it sound decent. First thing you might wanna try is instead of using the cabs that PodFarm has, try a program like LeCab2 and run a cab impulse through that. It'll sound waaay better than PodFarm and it's all free. You can find plenty of impulses on here.
MisSigs: How do you run that as an impulse instead of using a Podfarm cab? bc the cab in podfarm is there, its not like the head or fx where you can delete it from the chain? Can you tell me how? Even if i end up not liking it, its still worth a try, and worth learning
Invictus: Yeah, i would say I agree with you, but I'm starting to doubt my sounds... which is never a good thing... Ive just been working on this mix for way too long
That's what I do a lot of the time, I just use the head from pod farm and a cabinet from Logic 9's amp designer or something. Load up pod farm, get your head and pre/post amp effects dialed in, select 'no cabinet', then load up another program, don't use a head, and use the cab IR's. If you think you're mega stuck on the mix, I would try starting from scratch, that helps me sometimes.
That's what I do a lot of the time, I just use the head from pod farm and a cabinet from Logic 9's amp designer or something. Load up pod farm, get your head and pre/post amp effects dialed in, select 'no cabinet', then load up another program, don't use a head, and use the cab IR's. If you think you're mega stuck on the mix, I would try starting from scratch, that helps me sometimes.

Okay, so here's two new links. I think the guitars are sounding better. I used a combo of some Engl Impulses on them. And dont have completely diff tones on them anymore. The second link, is the same, except i decided to try using SSD EX instead of Superior. I think I will end up using pieces from both. I like S20s cymbals a lot better so far. Maybe use Slates Hats though... hmmm what do you think about these mixes? Guitar and drums
Sounding a lot better. I say mix up the drums. That's what I do. Slate cymbals suck for the most. The snare is sounding sorta weird now though. You might have another bleed problem.
yeah, thats what i noticed about the cymbals. The snare in Slate or S20? So the guitar impulse is working out better? I may also add some Addictive Drums in there too. I just don't want to get too crazy with the mixing, in case it ends up sounding like two diff drummers haha
yeah, thats what i noticed about the cymbals. The snare in Slate or S20? So the guitar impulse is working out better? I may also add some Addictive Drums in there too. I just don't want to get too crazy with the mixing, in case it ends up sounding like two diff drummers haha

The slate snare. It sounds too open (if that makes sense).
With that said, why do you suggest doing all post editing in the DAW instead of the onboard within the program (S20, SSD, etc)
I've found that it makes my workflow much less complicated to do everything outboard. In SD2, I'll do a little bit of tweaking within the program to get the source sounds where I want them, but then everything gets multi-out'ed and I can do anything else I need on the multi-out tracks. It also saves on system memory.
Ohok, i multi-out, mostly for easy access to levels, and a couple of bussed tracks. idk, i just maybe have gotten used to the SD2 fx (especially EQ). Do you know of any good free EQs that are multiband? All the ones i found in my Waves are knobs with selections. Im sure it does the same thing, but im just more comfortable to where i can see the string