Melodic hardcore band I just recorded (POD Farm, SSD)

Haha, someone on fb told that this thread got rezzed.

I tried to pull up this session from an old filled and unused hd so I can post stems, pod presests and even the late presests but for some reason the session got combined with another session from the band. It is really weird and trippy. I am going to try to get it situated but no promises.

anyway, this was done over a year ago and I dont think the raw files were tracked "properly" (at least not to my current standards) so if I can get to fixing and posting the stems try to take it easy. I was able to listen to the raw mic'd drums and there are fucking sweet, I wish I knew how to process them like I do know, so I might even do a remix using the natural drums :P

Cant get into the POD or SSD presets because it was PF1 and Kontakt 3, I cant even install those without uninstalling my current PF2 and Kontakt 4.
(I think I read somewhere that there are ways to get them but my memory is not the best so if anyone knows of a way feel free to let me know)
Damn this sounds a bit like the recordings from changes. Really great job with the production I'm really impressed. vocalist is kinda ehhh but hey you can't do anything about that. Like the breakdown though
The vocalist was actually just a local friend of ours who wanted to try some different type of vocals
and he didnt give a fuck if it was bad or not, wasnt his band ahah.

and I promise if I can get an updated mix done you guys would like it wayyy more.