Melodic Hardcore FTFD

this stuff needs a click especially for the drums if you plan on editing them. The guitars sound a too muddy. Right when the drums come in you can here the bass player plucking the open pretty clearly. I can here some hiss/static in the guitar. The vocals actually sound pretty good to me though. Keep trying at it man
this stuff needs a click especially for the drums if you plan on editing them. The guitars sound a too muddy. Right when the drums come in you can here the bass player plucking the open pretty clearly. I can here some hiss/static in the guitar. The vocals actually sound pretty good to me though. Keep trying at it man

Yeah man, i tried to convince them to try it but the drummer didn't want to try it this time around since this is the first time they record.

Yeah I see what u mean about the you think i need to reamp them again? or is this something that can be solved with eq?
Sounds pretty good man. With this kind of music you really need a massive presence from the guitars cause they carry most of the energy of the song. If you have pod farm try that with impulses. If not I agree with guitarplaya and use amp sims.

I like the vocals but with the deep growls there is a real roomy sound. If you have alot of reverb on it I would dial it back a tiny bit, its always good to have some but I think its a bit too much in this case.

amp sims, really? reamping with PV xxx and a 5150 directly to impulses...think i should switch over to podfarm on this one?

and yeah i hear that reverb...i always tend to put on just a bit too much..inexperience..=p