Melodic Thrash/Death


Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
I'd like to hear more bands like Exmortus and Arsis, which have thrash riffs in their melodic death metal, or melodic thrash with non-clean vocals like Vektor or Obliveon.
Oh hey I had forgotten about Aspid, I liked a couple of their songs a while back and meant to check out more of their stuff. I like this one, thanks.

Believer is pretty good, TB had introduced me to them recently. Are they a christian band?

The other two I haven't heard of I'll check them out now

[EDIT] Nocturnus, that's what I'm talking about, thrash inspired melodic death with sci-fi lyrics. Nice.

The Crypt is good too, more progressive it seems?

Also, don't worry about being too much on the thrash side, that's my favorite subgenre. I'm trying to find some melodic death i can relate to, so stuff on the thrashier side is perfect :)
Yeah, Believer is a Christian band. That album and maybe Gabriel are probably their most melodic and tech-thrashy; check out Dimensions for their most progressive album. They're one of my very favorites in tech-thrash.

I think TNB introduced you to Coroner as well, but since I don't know how familiar you are with them, I think they'd be a good fit too even though they have nothing to do with death metal (some very melodic guitar work and gruff vocals).

And for a death-y metal band that I think takes a lot of influence after Coroner, Hieronymus Bosch:
Coroner is a band I had heard a few songs of, and I felt like, yeah I could like them, I just need to find that one song by them that hooked me. Never really found it, but I only tried like maybe 5 or 6 songs. The one you posted is my fav so far. I'll look at a few more of theirs tonight, maybe find that song.

All this makes me realize even more just how good Vektor is though. They're like the perfect band for me. I should go throw money at them somehow, I already own the cds, maybe a shirt.

I'll listen to more Believer too, it's good to have a backlog of things to listen to, thanks!
No More Color is probably the best album to start with. Much better production than their first two, and relatively streamlined songs with the trade-off of being more idea-heavy. But Masked Jackal is often considered the quintessential Coroner song, so if you haven't already heard that one, do so.