Melodyne Plug-in issues


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I just got the Melodyne plug-in and am keen to use it. I'm running into this really annoying issue where after I transfer the audio to Melodyne, fix it up, then play back, it plays back fine. But if I do any kind of signal processes after that, like bouncing the mix, bouncing/freezing the track or whatever, Melodyne puts the audio out of time. It always comes in early for some reason.

Is this a known issue of some sort? I've never had this sort of thing happening with any other plug-ins before.
Hey Dude
I'm not a huge Melodyne expert,but what i normally do,after transfering and twaeking the audio i save it.Then i re import it into the session as a whole file,means that i no longer need to have Melodyne up and get on with completing whatevers next.I can't say from my own experience i have ever encountered this issue,but i may use it differently to you.
Hope it's of some help.
I know that if for example you move a sequence in a track after you've inputted Melodyne in and capture audio into it, Melodyne plays the sequence at its original position. You know what I mean ? It's like Melodyne memorize the original position of the notes and afterwards it does not take in account the moving/editing.

If you did not do anything like that and there is still the problem, maybe you'd want to export the Melodyned parts and reimport them into the project.
Since Melodyne 'copies' the audio track when its detecting, you have to let it do the WHOLE thing, from start to finish, including any big silences at the starts or breaks in between. Otherwise the bounced audio will start where you started detecting.
first off, no matter what you're goin to lose about 3 ms over the course of a 3 - 5 min song. its just not sample accurate =\

but here's a tip to get it down that low... zoom out of your entire project, enable plugin delay compensation, and make sure melodyne is the only pluggin on the track's inserts

run the track. make sure no auto scrolling is enabled (everytime a screen is flipped forward in time, the track is moved off time a small amount)

do not use your keyboard or mouse while its transferring the audio, this also causes it to be pushed further off time (within the track its self! not just from start to finish!!!!!!!) and make sure follow cursor / auto scrolling is disabled on everything

its really unfortunate that this is the only plugin i can get to accurately tune bass and bass is a very time sensitive thing. pretty annoying. i like to get my bass in the pocket with the kick when i have the chance, and this pretty much destroys any chance of doing that unless i RE-EDIT the whole song, which can be almost impossible with longer sections. due to the nature of melodyne gradually knocking the timing of the track off as the track goes on...

but at most you'll only loose like 1 - 2 ms by the END of the track (when you line up the first sample)
oh... and BTW if using the standalone, you're better off exporting the audio into it then recording via melodyne bridge, thats always been flakey for me
Joey, you are using Melodyne on bass? Hmm...never occurred to me to use it on bass tracks - thanks for the tip hahah.
So Melodyne standalone doesn't have these problems? Why, cuz you import it into the program, process it, and then export it back into the session?

And would Melodyne Uno be sufficient for tuning individual tracks, one at a time? Cuz the next one up (Cre8) is twice as expensive :ill:
yeah Ermin, i wouldn't leave the Melo-plug live.. get your audio corrected properly then bounce the track and replace the original audio with it so you can remove the plug.