Melodyne Clicking & Popping


Mar 9, 2009
I'm using Melodyne Plug-In and I'm encountering a problem. I keep getting stupid clicks and pops on a certain part of the vocals. When it goes in, it's fine, but when i play back via melodyne, it's popping crazy. It seems like it's tracking it wrong too because the notes are well out of sync. I've tried disabling all of my other audio tracks to free up CPU power, turning off airport, making sure all my other programs are closed etc. I dunno what's wrong with it. :cry:
Melodyne (in Pro Tools at least) doesn't crossfade into and out of the plugin. Make sure you import the audio into and out of Melodyne during silence and not in the middle of a phrase.
oh melodyne.....

there seems to be a glitch in pro tools 7.4 where for some unknown reason, the audio from melodyne will bypass on a certain track on a certain part in the session, and it will make a pop. The plugin itself is active, but for some reason it stops feeding audio from melodyne for that one spot. I still to this day havent found a way around it other than making a new track or switching that vocal part over to another track

check in the spot where the pop is ocurring, have the melodyne bridge thing open(not the actual melodyne program), and check the spot to see if it bypasses melodyne. If that happens, then have fun:)

for your sync problems; before you transfer your vocals over to melodyne, make a MIDI track in pro tools, export a random MIDI file(name it MIDI Tempo Track or something). Go into melodyne->edit->define tempo->take tempo from MIDI file-> then select the tempo track you made. This should solve any sync problems you have. make sure this is before you transfer your vocals over to melodyne

if you do this after you transfer over vocals, then it will just throw everything off even more
Thanks guys, but it's the Melodyne Plug-In I've got, not Melodyne studio. It's still being weird
melodyne should win an award for the most annoying glitches ever.
much as i love that plugin and cant live without it; some things it does are really annoying.
Yeah i know waht you mean bout the clicking.
Id be sure to print the track if i was you.
I sometimes have to re-detect the vox till Melodyne catches it the right way, sometimes the note separation tool does the trick when adjusted well. Not very often so it maybe needs an upgrade to the latest version