Clicking/popping :(

I re-inserted the ADAT cable and everything seems to be fine now :kickass: I must have bumped it when plugging everything in back there... I need to get a patchbay :( I'm going to set the clock source to optical just for the hell of it though.

Haha, that's the exact same awful cable I have too. I wouldn't even call it a cable actually, it's more of like...a plastic coffee stirrer spliced in half. I don't know why I skimped out on getting a good ADAT cable, but once I figured out how to make it function without clicks, I haven't been in a rush to replace it.

I couldn't really justify spending $80 on a Munster cable, especially if it wasn't going to make a difference in sound quality :bah: Unfortunately the only other option at the time was the ziptie-looking Hosa!