Focusrite Octopre ADAT Help!!!


Feb 20, 2005
Hey dudes, I'm at my friend's house right now, attempting to wrangle his new Focusrite Octopre running ADAT into his 003 rack. The connection works, as signal is coming through, but with the ADAT tracks record-enabled, there is this constant and very obnoxious popping/clicking sound. Signal comes through, as I mentioned, so we're able to record with those inputs, but the clicking is still there, and I'm thinking its a sync issue. We were sure to set both the OctoPre and the PT session file to 24-bit/48 khz, but that didn't solve it. I should mention we only have an ADAT cable running out from the OctoPre into the 003; is it necessary for sync purposes to also run an ADAT out from the 003 into the Octopre?

Thanks a lot!