
I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
Ok so here is the deal

I've been recording with the Presonus Firepod for a while now and I'm pretty please with it, the preamps are really nice. Until now, the 8 inputs were doing fine for me but the other day this band wanted to record with me and the drummer had an extra snare and 4 that leaves no room for a scratch guitar...

i looked into the options of expanding inputs through ADAT or S/PDIF and I know it's possible with the Presonus Digimax if you run in through the Presonus Fire Studio, is that also possible with the Firepod???

Does the Firepod even have ADAT?? (I'm a total noob as you can tell)

If this isnt possble, what other options do I have?? Please help me out because i definetly need more inputs. 16 would be nice if i get a Digimax...but i really rather not get a new interface
The FirePod doesn't have ADAT. However it as 10 inputs and not 8. Two of inputs are S/PDIF (They are clearly labeled at the back of the unit). You can use a preamp that has an S/PDIF outs (e.g. to expand your 8 FirePod inputs by 2.

well 10 is definetly better but i guess one way or the other i wont get to 16 with the firepod.uh?

ugh..i guess i'll have to invest on a firestudio and a digimax

any other ideas? you really got me interested

please explain enlighten my noob ass...daisy chaining? i going to need a second firewire port for that?.. because thats another problem i have

On the back of the firestudio's there are 2 firewire ports. one goes to your computer, the other could go to another firestudio. repeat for 2nd box.

I use lightpipe for my profires though :kickass:
You are better off buying the Firestudio, and having the added benefit of the ADAT support.... Just my 2 cents.... I switched from the Firepod to Studio along with a Digimax FS and I love it so much more than 2 Firepods.

BTW if you daisy chain Firepods you are limited to recording in 24/48 or lower.....
Does the daisy chaining actually work for S/PDIF as well? Because than you'd get (8 + 2) x 3 = 30 = WIN! :)

no, daisy chaining eliminates the spdif.

I was always pleased with my firepod, but when I switched to the profire, I realized I had been missing alot! besides the difference in sound quality, having the direct mixer for monitoring while tracking is priceless and the ability to use my spdif pres, and expand with other digital pres in the future is awesome too.