Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death

That's simple deanballey, there's the supposed dumb in front of a strong black sgt in karate outfit. He talks like he is a master. The local master already sounds like a dickhead.

Then they fight, what surprises me is that the retarded, even if he does ridiculous and false wushu moves, he does moves not as ridiculous as I would have expected. Anyway, the sgt gets more and more angry, hitting it strong and stronger.

In the end the retarded falls. It was already too far, even when you are a dick head there is no need to go until a KO to explain the guy you are the master. But then, the sgt goes on hitting the guy like a monster, one or two guys try to stop him but only for 1s.

Then, he kicks the head of the retard vertically against the ground two times with all his mass, the second times stronger and with a lot of blood. The guy is almost KO and they get him outside.

In the end the local master films the blood traces to the door, he sounds proud of it.
And yeah, in karate like in all "normal" martial arts, you are not supposed to use your skill excepted to train, and if you do, only for good reasons. It's official, in france it's even legal, and it's even written in any honour code of any martial art.
And yeah, in karate like in all "normal" martial arts, you are not supposed to use your skill excepted to train, and if you do, only for good reasons. It's official, in france it's even legal, and it's even written in any honour code of any martial art.

Sorry I didn't understand you, what do you mean in france it's legal? beating up retarded people? or using karate for self-defense? Either way I didn't get it
go the notebook thread lol

Seriously, I thought martial arts had a code and shit, with stuff like "use only in self defense", or perhaps "don´t smack the shit out of some sick fuck who is already on the ground fainting and pleading you to stop", but what am I thinking the guy is a military :yuk:

Totally true, but some people just are total douchebags and won't get it. Though in the karate I do, they probably wouldn't end up black belt though. They'd get their ass kicked royally if they ever done shit like this, and they'd probably be banished or shit.

Here's the philosophy of it :
Dojo Kun

We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaking spirit

We will pursue the true meaning of the Martial Way, so that in time our senses may be alert

With true vigor, we will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial

We will observe the rules of courtesy, respect our superiors and refrain from violence

We will follow our religious principles and never forget the true virtue of humility

We will look upwards to wisdom and strength, not seeking other desires

All our lives, through the discipline of karate, we will seek to fulfill the true meaning of the Kyokushin Way

Many versions exist but it all says the same, respect yourself and respect others.
I think it's obvious what happened here...

Those mother fuckers were Cobra Kai!

Yeah, I wouldn't sweat it Phil, the last thing I think anyone here would do would be to blame Karate for this; the problem was this insecure little bitch of a student who brought in this guy solely to belittle him and beat him up to show off his skills, and then when the mentally challenged dude actually put up something of a fight, the student got enraged and his insecurity and small-penis complex took over, and I hope he suffers every day for what he's done - to bust out the age-old quote, "with great power comes great responsibility" (and as Lasse said, it didn't even seem like this dick even had all that much power or skill)
Sorry I wasn't precise. I wanted to say that here at least, when you are licensed as a martial art trainee, you are supposed to only use your skills for self defense, and you have to prove you did the best to avoid the situation, and you are also supposed to defend just the minimum. It's a bit saying 'you are not allowed to fight when you know how to". It officially says as a trainee you are supposed to be able to manage such a situation

This is still a bit silly because it supposes for example that if you are a master, if someone was gonna hit you and you kicked his ass with a super high kick, you could be told "hey man, you are a master, you should have been able to just throw him away with a little counter attack instead of kicking him". But I exagerate, and I'm sure in reality the law authorities wouldn't mind, there is a really big difference between a law text and a real application of it.
(why the fuck isn't there any "EDIT" or "QUOTE" button anymore in this forum ?)

so I wanted to say : the law fact I am describing is directly related to what marcus just said : "with great power comes great responsability". It's sort of officially written (here at least, dunno in other countries)
Yeah, I wouldn't sweat it Phil, the last thing I think anyone here would do would be to blame Karate for this; the problem was this insecure little bitch of a student who brought in this guy solely to belittle him and beat him up to show off his skills, and then when the mentally challenged dude actually put up something of a fight, the student got enraged and his insecurity and small-penis complex took over, and I hope he suffers every day for what he's done - to bust out the age-old quote, "with great power comes great responsibility" (and as Lasse said, it didn't even seem like this dick even had all that much power or skill)

I agree 100%, I didn't think anyone was blaming karate, though I think that this student deserves a bashing and the instructor seems just as dumb as the student (let's hope not).

This just makes me kind of sad/disappointed (especially after putting my whole heart and soul the beginning of this summer in Karate to earn my black belt) : I learned a lot from martial arts and these fuckers seemingly didn't.
I watched it, and I'll admit it was pretty brutal the first few times...

But I just can't understand why nothing has happened to sort this situation out? If the police don't want to budge, I'm sure there are a couple hundred people living in the same area as him, that have watched the video online and have spoken about what they'd do to this guy if they saw him etc...

...His fighting wasn't really intimidating tbh.