Mercenary - The New Disc

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
Hey Gang,

I am about to place an order for the newest Mercenary cd and have not heard anything about it. Can you all give me a description of the cd? Production? Are the growls more so than on 11 dreams? Is the cd more like the last cd but with more growls? I love the last 2 cd's from this band and wonder what this new one holds. Thank you for your help.

The new album reminds of "The hours that remain" and there are equally much vocals and growls as on THTR. After the first spin I thought it was "almost" as good as the previous one but, after several spins I think it's better than THTR and so far it is the album of the year for me together with the latest Whitesnake album. A blind buy if you ask me:)
new one is not doing much for me. The previous 2 BLOW IT OUT OF THE WATER!! Everything kind fo sounds the same from song to song.
It's true, this one is not the same caliber of The Hours That Remain, nor is it as heavy as Everblack. I'd say that if Mercenary was Melodic DEATH Metal, they're shifting over to MELODIC Death Metal. However, I really think Architect is an excellent disk that does take two or more listens to really get into, and yes, it doesn't seem as in your face as the others, but there's an undertone of the CD that I think is quite good. I'm a bigger fan of this CD more than 11 Dreams, honestly, as I didn't care for 11 Dreams as much as everyone else.

Man... haven't heard it but the cover art sucks.

You're like a more hate filled Zod. You know that? :p
As others have said, more growls and harsh vocals than 11 Dreams. It is more like The Hours that Remain.

Only one song on the new disc is "growl-free" - Isolation (The Loneliness In December). This is my favorite song of the entire disc. :headbang: :kickass:

However, as whole albums go, I still like 11 Dreams the best of the last three.
I'm not filled with hate. I just like painted cover art... to hell with digital stuff. I mean, that's not to say Travis Smith and Mattias Noren have done nothing worthwhile... they have some great work, but it's gotten too samey. I don't know who did the new Mercenary cover, but it's just another "by the numbers" digitally manipulated cover. Pretty much sucks IMO.

quick edit: i have actually had quick back n' forth pm's with Mattias about this based on a post i made a number of months ago and, while i cannot speak on his behalf, i can say that based on that conversation I think he has some originality left in him, but unfortunately it does not get utilized.

I miss old school metal artwork. :(
unfortunately a quick glance through their back catalog will reveal that while the new cover isn't special, it's the best one yet. The others are awful. :erk:

Music on the other hand, ain't bad.
I love all of their albums, including first breathe, which I think actually contains some of their catchiest riffs, like in Perceptive. The new one hasn't hit me like the rest of their cds. Everblack is still their masterpiece.
11 Dreams is easily in my top 10 discs of all time.

Hours That Remain bored me to tears.

This new one is between the two, but sadly closer to Hours that Remain.


I'd still LOVE to see them tour there, though.
riceloft said:
Hours That Remain bored me to tears.

I can't help but think that this means that you think "The Hours" was some kind of extra awesome, since you seem to like Pain of Salvation. I mean, enjoying being bored to tears is kind of a prerequisite of their music, isn't it?

I'm not filled with hate. I just like painted cover art... to hell with digital stuff. I mean, that's not to say Travis Smith and Mattias Noren have done nothing worthwhile... they have some great work, but it's gotten too samey. I don't know who did the new Mercenary cover, but it's just another "by the numbers" digitally manipulated cover. Pretty much sucks IMO.

quick edit: i have actually had quick back n' forth pm's with Mattias about this based on a post i made a number of months ago and, while i cannot speak on his behalf, i can say that based on that conversation I think he has some originality left in him, but unfortunately it does not get utilized.

I miss old school metal artwork. :(

Niklas Sundin did the artwork for this album and I agree... his stuff sucks (with a few exceptions). Travis Smith is great and IMO Mattias Noren is overrated (although he has done some pretty good ones).
When I gave it it's first spin, it didn't grab me as quick as THTR did on it's first spin. But I do give everything a second chance. I uploaded the tunes to my iPod and took into work. The more I listen to it, the more it grows on me.

The art work- eh, seems almost CLICHE. But I didn't buy the album for the artwork.


If you're a so-so fan of Mercenary, then I suggest passing right now. If you LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Mercenary (as I do) then for sure get it.

There's something off about this album, but that's what makes it right is the akwardness of it. Maybe it's more technical this time around? Less... Don't quite know yet. But it is more of "fans only" album. I don't think casual listeners will like it that much.

Edit: I think I kind of figured it out... Or my version of it anyway. Mercanary has always had "dark" lyrics. Architect of Lies (Aol -ha) lyrics are almost so dark they are bordering hopelessness/ deperation. I think perhaps with the composition of the music it's not what we would necessarly expect out of Mercenary. Which isn't a bad thing at all.

Just my $0.02
