
You mean which shirts they're selling that I'll try to get my hands on?

If so, old Edge of Sanity.. seeing as I'm sort of collecting and of course for the kickassness of wearing them :)
I would definitely get one :D ... at least!

It's too bad not many bands make girl shirts, cause guy shirts fit me like a dress :p But I'd get some anyway!
L0bster said:
A pan-thy-monium shirt, and a plain EoS shirt (can't stand some of the sleeve-illustration) would be wonderful

You should have seen the PTM shirt they made around 1993. It was sky blue with monsters on! Dan asked some pre-school kids to draw the scariest monsters they could think of, and that's what's on the shirts :)
L0bster said:
åsa - yeah, I think I have seen it, on the original cover of "khaooos" (the third album, swedish titles), all in crayon, am I right?
Yup, that's correct :) The very same kids insisted on braiding his hair and messed it up so badly, he had to cut some of it off! Now that's evil! (And if this isn't secret inside info, I don't know what is ;))
I have a Purgatory Afterglow long sleeve but it's so damn big.. anyone know of a good way to shrink a shirt without making it all bleached?

And talking about merchandise.. are the Unicorn demos on the way Dan? If not.. I'd like to know if you have a Medium size of that Alive Again t-shirt.
