Mercyful Fate / King Diamond


Danger - Keep Away
Jan 6, 2004
So then anyone else like this band?

I'm not long into them actually. I've heard most of their stuff and it's great. Favorite albums being Melissa and Puppet Master.

At first they reminded me of Judas Priest a bit though.

Anyway, favorite albums, songs? General MF/KD chat :)
You're gonna find out soon enough that there are alot of KD/MF fans here. Me bing one of them. My favorite MF album is Melissa, and my favorite KD album is Conspiracy.

Best MF song of them all: EVIL. And at 0:16 into that song, one of the greatest riffs ever kicks in. And tha'ts one of the reason why the song owns all. After that, it's probably Nuns Have No Fun.

I'm a bigger KD fan, so i have a top 10 KD songs.

-Dressed In White
-Welcome Home
-Twilight Symphony(i love singing the chrorus! "And I hear Them again singin'....twilight....SYMPHONY!!!..twilight...AHH-AHH!!!")
-Sleepless Nights
-"Amon" Belongs To "Them"
-The Wedding Dream
-Eye Of The Witch
-"LOA" House
-Blood To Walk

Ok, so it's 11. Close enough!
Oooooooooh yeah! It's been a while since the King came up. I've been a fan of him since Fatal Portrait came out. I pretty much dig everything he has done but the best would have to be Melissa, Don't Break The Oath, and In The Shadows from MF and Abigail, Them, Conspiracy, The Spider's Lullabye, House Of God, and The Puppet Master by solo King.

For favorite songs, there's WAY too many to list...
I recently Got Puppet Master and I'm not much of a KD/MF fan but WOW do I love that fucking cd its right up there with Spiders lullabye and the MF song Egypt that is pretty much it for me and the King ...... oh oh oh and The Bell Witch has always been another Favorite :)
Yep their early material is GODLY or should I say Satanly ;) I also like Evil the new band of M. Denner en Hank Sherman.

Come to the Sabbath is my favorite song by far.
"Doomed by the living dead" and "Evil" is also great.

Nuns have no fuuuuun they just give their father a sooooooon

Evil is a brilliant song, yeah, I love it. The start to A Corpse with no soul is great aswell. Evil was the song to get me into this band.
"Satan's fall" is one of my favorites, this song has it all!

How about some "new" Mercyful songs too? :)
I'm still a big fan of what they've done since the reunion, stuff like "Egypt", "Buried Alive", "Nightmare be thy Name", "Witches Dance", "The Night"... really I like them almost as much as the old stuff.
Yeah, when is fate going to come out with a new one? When I was really young about 13 I heard the king's voice, it sent the most goosebumps that I have ever had up my spine. It was great it freaked the shit out me. Been hooked ever since.
Can someone explain the album "The Beginning"? It's got the best of their songs on one album, but they sound different.
Stand-Ablaze said:
Can someone explain the album "The Beginning"? It's got the best of their songs on one album, but they sound different.
The first four tracks are in fact the "Nuns Have no Fun" EP (1982).
The next three are live tracks recorded in a BBC studio session in 1982, before the release of the Melissa LP.
"Black Masses" is a B-side from Melissa, only available on a single.
"Black Funeral" is a demo version of that song.