Mercyful Fate


Burger King Diamond
Sep 18, 2008
Washington State
It had to be done, a metal forum without the King and Fate, I won't accept this any longer

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I downloaded "Melissa" about a year ago fromiTunes, amazing album. Sadly, thats all I have from either band. :\
Yeah, I have to say I kind of agree. As much as I enjoy the music (of both King Diamond and Mercyful Fate) I can only ever listen to them in small doses, due to King's voice. Having said that, when I'm in the right mood he's killer.

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I love King Diamond, its just too bad hes not touring anymore, I hope he comes back soon. He hasnt been on tour since he had back surgery. In fact hes last album didnt get a tour that followed.

For me my favourite King album is "Conspiracy", the riffs, the melodies, the solos, and the drums. Incredible stuff. I like Mercyful Fate aswell just not as much as his solo stuff. Keenan next album you get should be Them and Conspiracy.
Evil is such an awesome song. Mellisa is a great album, though the bonus tracks outshine the studio recordings IMO lol