Merry Christmas, you Heathens.

Each month I put away some money so I wont be ruined with all the xmas gifts and birthday gifts this month, and most of the stuff I buy is for my own family anyway and is needed in one way or another so I can at least pretend I don't waste money either.
well, the only people getting gifts are the kiddies, my wife and the in-laws and my folks all of whom really helped me out a lot this year.
Happy Thing! I still like this time of year. Mindless consumerism is god damn abysmal BUT the fact that that portion of this holiday generally trumps all the Christian bullshit is hilarious. That's what you get for stealing a Pagan holiday, losers!

My parents are both sick and miserable this year. Not life threatening but still, kind of a bummer. Each year I associate with less and less people. I buy those I love books, music, art, and booze. Keep good company, live life well, get drunk.
I dropped a fucking shitload of money on gifts this year, easy over 1k. Oh well, returned to work after a one week absence and received a dollar raise for no reason at all. Yay!
My husband got me a stack of crappy CDs for Christmas, including a Five Finger Death Punch album and Mastodon's latest. I had already figured these out well before Christmas, so, out of guilt he got me an iTunes gift card, which I also figured out. After airing my concern over whether or not either of my players would work smoothly with iTunes, he went and got me a new Sony Walkman that's supposed to sync well, which it does. But, god...poor guy. :lol:

So how'd everyone do on hauls?
My husband got me a stack of crappy CDs for Christmas, including a Five Finger Death Punch album and Mastodon's latest. I had already figured these out well before Christmas, so, out of guilt he got me an iTunes gift card, which I also figured out. After airing my concern over whether or not either of my players would work smoothly with iTunes, he went and got me a new Sony Walkman that's supposed to sync well, which it does. But, god...poor guy. :lol: So how'd everyone do on hauls?

Few people would ever attempt to buy me music, smart on their parts.
I got a couple bottles o' booze (Ardbeg 10 year box set included, score), Destiny for the PS4 (haven't played it since some Assclowns hacked the Playstation Network). And picked up a few movies courtesy of a gift certificate including the Nekromantik re-release, Calavier, and Diary of the Dead.