Merry Goblin Christmas

Corrupted Innocence

Sentenced To Dusk drummer
Apr 28, 2007
Montana, USA
Ello all you Goblins out there on Christmas! Just wishing you all a pleasureful and unsafe Christmas. By pleasureful, I mean raping some innocent bystander with a present. Don't rape them with a present, I mean, rape them if they have a present. Or do both. ^_^




Goblin Santa [click]

ummm...ok, no offence CI but i think there are times you need to grow up a bit (don't take this the wrong way...i ain't trying to have a dig...just a bit innapropriate really)

on another note...merry christmas everybody! have a good day, hope the hangovers tomorrow ain't too severe..and be safe :)
Merry Christmas to all you guys. Thanks for making this forum fun for the past year or so. I'm sure when we promote and release the new album there will be more people joining us here.

(Also, as an aside: hypothetically, it's strange to put oneself on the side of the goblins - they're out to rape you, kill you, and probably eat you, not necessarily in that order, purely based on the fact that you're human. I mean....they're goblins. We don't even put ourselves on their side, our songs are all just a warning against the goblin invasion sure to come.)
Merry Christmas to all you guys. Thanks for making this forum fun for the past year or so. I'm sure when we promote and release the new album there will be more people joining us here.

(Also, as an aside: hypothetically, it's strange to put oneself on the side of the goblins - they're out to rape you, kill you, and probably eat you, not necessarily in that order, purely based on the fact that you're human. I mean....they're goblins. We don't even put ourselves on their side, our songs are all just a warning against the goblin invasion sure to come.)

You're welcome. It was fun.

Well, I have goblin ancestry. Okay, maybe not for real, but it's close enough. To everyone at school and all my family, I'm the crazy freakin little goblin. Just a little too tall, though. I like goblins. I'd be with them if they invaded. I'll figure out a way to live...
I've basically been playing Alien Syndrome and listening to Napalm Death all day. Sadly, there are no goblins involved in either of these events.
Happy New Year! I will soon get drunk to underline this fabulous event. Maybe I'll see some goblins here too... I hope not... yet...