Mesa 4x12 Oversized Impulses


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I just downloaded them and tried them in revalver. I like them a lot. One of the best i've used yet. Maybe try making one with both mics and not just separately? Either way I think they rock. Thank you very much.
I have an idea... Why don't try to put the 2 mics in phase. And then take an impulse of MIC 1, then an impulse of MIC2 and then an impulse of the 2 mics together.
Quick question. Should I turn my presence and resonance knobs all the way down when using impulses? considering that these impulses were recorded with pres and res. presets.
Thanks man!
I just allways wonder about how cool people behave in this forum. Sad but true, in most other (web-)places people get rude from time to time. You guys make this the most comfortable site to be! :kickass:

(OOOPS, I didn't want to become that sentimental... :cry: )
First post here, I just want to thank Shadow for reposting these and DSS3 for making em in the first place.