Mesa 4x12 Standard Vs. Traditional

Sep 20, 2005
I've bought a 6505+ (thanks everyone for helping me decide!) and now I need a cabinet to put it through and it seems pretty clear that mesa slays so I'm looking for one used. However, I'm having trouble finding the traditional which most people think was lot better in Matt's 4x12 shootout. I agree but I don't know if it's that much better.

So, is it enough of a difference that I should wait it out and get a traditional or will I be able to get as good a sound out of a standard? Thanks in advance!
hey, having tried both but only recording with the traditional I'd say you're probably safe either way.

Andy uses the standard to great effect on nearly all of his stuff.

A lot of people like the more pronounced midrange and tightness of the traditional though, just try both out to be safe.
the oversized is a fine cab. I just like the traditional since it has much tighter low end. it totally depends on what you're doing with the thing. if you play a lot of thrash you most definitely want the traditional. for most other things both will work and it's mostly a matter of taste.
I use the Mesa Recto standard 4x12 with my 6505+ and it kills. To me, the 6505+ puts out a ton of midrange anyway, so the accentuated midrange I find to be too much in traditional cabs. Also, I like the added deep punch of the bigger standard and find it is plenty tight for my taste.