Mesa 4X12 traditional or oversize or roadking?


Mar 27, 2010
Deciding between a mesa traditional 4x12 or oversize or roadking. What are some of you guys using nowadays? Your thoughts on them? How is the roadking cab? Slant or straight?
I've personally always liked the oversize more. Just sounded more ballsy to me.
As far as slanted vs straight, it depends on whether you'll be using it for the studio or not. Straight for the studio is generally better and slanted for live use because the top two are angle ls upward so you can monitor your sound easier.

However I've seen people reverse this so it all comes down to preference I guess haha
any kind of tonal change or gains to be had in flipping it upside down with the slant and mic-ing it on the slanted side which is now facing down?
Slant oversize, best of both worlds with no real downsides. That said I have a straight regular sized Framus 4x12 and it sounds rad as hell.
I couldn't get a slanted cab ever, the aspie in me would want to throw it out of the window, everytime I see that ugly thing..