Mesa Boogie Stiletto Head Unit


Ghost in the Machine
Mar 6, 2002
Manassas, VA
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The more I play on these amps, the more impressed I am with them. The clean channel just sparkles and is one of the better cleans I've heard on a more modern, high gain type amp. The overdrives are awesome too.

I've heard some people complain about the amp's lack of much gain do you need?! It has 3 levels of gain on the Lead Channel you can select: Crunch, Tite Gain, and Fluid Gain. I find that my favorite setting for metal rhythm is the Tite Gain with the gain up around 9 o'clock. And keep in mind, this is the middle of the 3 gains...there's another level of gain (Fluid Gain) above that I'm not even using, but people complain there's not enough gain in the amp?

It's a very tight and articulate sounding amp. I'm highly considering getting one to go along with my '94 Dual Recto. It reminds me of a tighter sounding, more versatile, hot rodded JCM 800...with a clean channel...:) Anyone else give these amps a try?
I tried one, and just didn't like it. I guess it had enough gain, but I just didn't like the tone of the amp. For me, it was everything I don't like about Marshalls - thin, buzzy and annoying. However - if you get a good sound out of it, that's great, there's a lot of really good gear that I just don't like.

For Mesa sounds, I'll stick to my Road King.
My other bandmate tried it out for over a half hour and it sounded like shit for him. But, he liked it after I started turning knobs. I didn't find it thin and buzzy at all. It basically sounded like aMarshall on steroids to me. But, I also like the sounds of Marshalls (good ones), so I'm sure it wouldn't appeal to a fan who doesn't like the "Marshall sound" very much.
I liked it better than all the modern Recto's too. I thought the amp has plenty of bass and gain. I was only using the middle gain setting (Tite Gain) with the gain around 3 o'clock and I had plenty enough for metal rhythm. As for bass, I had the knob around 12 noon and had more low end than any guitar signal should need IMO.