Mesa Mark IIC+ Cover Devin Townsend - Hyperdrive


May 25, 2005
I was in the mood to make a quick cover/tribute to one of my favorite musicians. This clip is not intended to play exactly like his tune nor sound like his production (who could).

I mixed elements from the Ziltoid and Addicted versions. Hope you like it! Sorry about the wanking at the end.

Thoughts? Bass could use some compression. Threw this mix together very fast. (with wah).mp3

***Edit** Updated Clip With A Cranked Amp (wah cranked).mp3
The snare randomly gets really loud about 1:30 in

Even out the bass

Bring the bass drum out a little bit more

Cool Satriani vibe. Such a nice tone to this amp. Agree with the mix comments above.

Thanks guys! Yeah, I had a velocity issue at that point and just haven't fixed it yet.

I actually redid the clip. I had some time to crank the amp to high volumes. The lead turned out much better with some added sustain and controlled feedback. There is nothing like feeling the sound and not just hearing it. (wah cranked).mp3
I'm on my laptop now with shitty speakers but the lead sounds a bit overpowering. There's a good chance that's just because there's about zero bass response on these things.

I really like the song. You should get someone to do the vocals and add in some synthy stuff! The lead guitar has a nice sound.
Good cover but it's indeed too muffled. And yes I know that you said it doesn't sound like Devin's production. It's too muffled. Good otherwise. (Lisetened through some studio headphones).