Mesa/Peavey/SSD 2.0 Content - New Fallen Fate Track!!


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Alright guys,

Time for the second installment of my recent Fallen Fate mixes, "Embrace The Decay".

This time I tracked all the guitars for this using the same setup as last time, however this is near the final if not the final mix depending on what comments I recieve lol! Victims (the first posted) will be tweaked to this "standard" once im happy and ill post that if you guys want. Took a fair while getting the kick and snare combo to my liking, hopefully ive got it about right! Kick is a blend of 2 samples and snare is 100%.

Any comments or questions are welcomed as always!

Enjoy :kickass:

Hey man,

It's a cool and exciting track but I think you really have to go a bit easier on that drumkit compression. I'm finding the drums quite unpleasant to listen to due to all the popping.

The guitars aren't quite my cup of tea. I can't really work out why, but they just don't seem to have the desired amount of meat. Are you using impulses? If so, it could be that's what I'm hearing.

I think the bass guitar could use to go up a bit (even just in the lows, rather than overall). The mix sounds a bit empty in the lower registers.

Remember, there's no shame in mastering quieter either :). The mix seems to be on the brink of falling apart due to distortion.

The mix has some great potential, as you've carved out something very clear. My opinion is that you just need to go easier on a few things and let it breathe a bit more. There are no points for redlining everything off its tits.
Guitars are missing some body and the drums are too compressed, you lose the power behind the beats. Some more bass anywhere would help too.

But as previously mentioned, great potential, just fine tune.
There is something about is that sounds like it is lacking body. Even though i like the guitar tone it doesn't have the beef to fill in the mix, bring up the lower mids section by a few db, just enough to obtain some warmth, it almost sounds like there is no power tube saturation of any sort, a must if you want a thick sound. I don't hear any bass at all, that might be a hug culprit of the lack of body. get that bass up there and you might see/hear some hope for a fuller mix.

and like it was said before, the drums are way to compressed, they would have way more power and thump if the remove a majority of the compression, they sound like they want to come through, before the top loud climax of the thump and smack is muted, a sign of overcompression.

over all the sound of the instrumentation and vocals is sick, just needs very small adjustments in the mixing area.
Righty Ho lads,

Will have a dig about see what I come up with the post another version *thumbs up*

DSS3: Thanks man, Kick is Slate Kick 15 Z1 with some Exodus Tempo of the Damned blended in for a bit more body and click, Snare is Slate Snare 3 Z1 and the toms are DFHS 1.0 Sonor toms :)

No Impulses were used, ive got a fair amount of 90-100hz on the guitars, some low mid's being compressed, otherwise it gets a bit woofy. Maybe I should just bring the top end down a bit to even them out? I don't have that much EQ going on them, 2.5db max I think.


Hopefully I haven't fudged the levels up too much :p
I think that very first line of vocals would be fantastic if it was totally dry.
Then automate all the effects back in when the rest of the instruments come in.
Guitars seem a bit buried. But that may be just down to choice.
Great song and great mix so far though dude.
I think that very first line of vocals would be fantastic if it was totally dry.

Yeah I suggested that but meh, must only be me and you that feel that way :p


Fiddled with pretty much everything, I think the guitars sound much more upfront with more meat and hopefully the bass sits in quite well with more low end than before, it just gets a bit boomy and buries everything fairly easily sometimes if im not careful. Brought the compression down on the drums, overall and the overall master level down. Blah blah blah, let us know if its an improvement! :loco:
i couldn't listen to it past a few seconds after the full band kicked it, your literally squashing it at this point, death magnetic style, with everything booming out, the drums are sounding more a live but their is no way to even begin judging the sound when the mix is squashed that hard.

and you said your afraid of it sounding boomy, i don't hear anything that could even possibly be boomy, either your listening through some inaccurate bass monitors, still getting used to mixing with a sub, letting your sub cloud your bass judgment or you are being way too conservative with the bass frequencies. guitars sound like nothing but highs, almost squawk. still can't hear the bass guitar at all, but maybe if we hear a mix that isn't so compressed it might show through.
i couldn't listen to it past a few seconds after the full band kicked it, your literally squashing it at this point, death magnetic style, with everything booming out, the drums are sounding more a live but their is no way to even begin judging the sound when the mix is squashed that hard.

and you said your afraid of it sounding boomy, i don't hear anything that could even possibly be boomy, either your listening through some inaccurate bass monitors, still getting used to mixing with a sub, letting your sub cloud your bass judgment or you are being way too conservative with the bass frequencies. guitars sound like nothing but highs, almost squawk. still can't hear the bass guitar at all, but maybe if we hear a mix that isn't so compressed it might show through.

Well ive knocked the compression down to over half the amount I had it at so im stumped :erk: Ive got no sub, but my room isnt treated and my friend (other band member) tells me things are boomy so I need to knock off the lowend.

Another Attempt:
Well ive knocked the compression down to over half the amount I had it at so im stumped :erk: Ive got no sub, but my room isnt treated and my friend (other band member) tells me things are boomy so I need to knock off the lowend.

Another Attempt:

its not the compression, your entire mix volume is so high that its naturally compressing, both on WMP and my DAW the low frequencies are clipping and the db meter doesn't budge. bring your entire mix volume way down, its not important that you have your volume maxed out, there's no need. try to stay out of the habit with competing with commercial release since they over compress to obtain maximum volume, and knowingly sacrifice tone.

doesn't matter if your room is treated or not if your sitting withing 3 feet of your monitors, make sure your monitors are facing you, not the wall behind you, so rotate them about 10 degrees so that they are "looking" at you.

your other band member sounds like they don't like all. The guitars lack warmth, the bass guitar can't be heard at all. there is going to be some boominess, especially in your guitars. Its only too much when the "boom" is overpowering everything else in an entire mix. typically normal amount of boom aren't even noticeable once you add drums and bass. Just be sure to trim some of your bass of your guitars, high pass filter anywhere between 80 and 120 and the low end should be controlled if you have a good bass guitar tone.

right now you are nowhere near boominess, it sounds thin and hollow, like their is this soul inside the center and heart that is missing.
its not the compression, your entire mix volume is so high that its naturally compressing, both on WMP and my DAW the low frequencies are clipping and the db meter doesn't budge. bring your entire mix volume way down, its not important that you have your volume maxed out, there's no need. try to stay out of the habit with competing with commercial release since they over compress to obtain maximum volume, and knowingly sacrifice tone.

doesn't matter if your room is treated or not if your sitting withing 3 feet of your monitors, make sure your monitors are facing you, not the wall behind you, so rotate them about 10 degrees so that they are "looking" at you.

your other band member sounds like they don't like all. The guitars lack warmth, the bass guitar can't be heard at all. there is going to be some boominess, especially in your guitars. Its only too much when the "boom" is overpowering everything else in an entire mix. typically normal amount of boom aren't even noticeable once you add drums and bass. Just be sure to trim some of your bass of your guitars, high pass filter anywhere between 80 and 120 and the low end should be controlled if you have a good bass guitar tone.

right now you are nowhere near boominess, it sounds thin and hollow, like their is this soul inside the center and heart that is missing.

Guitars still lack low mids? Its near enough peaking if I put a PAZ on them, ive raised the bass guitar shit loads since the first mix, ive knocked off everything under 30hz on the bass, maybe ill move it to 80. Bear in mind the bass is quite distorted.

I also dropped the entire mix down about 3db since the first I posted.

Any suggestings for more "warmth" on the guitars? Because im outta luck on that one.
the newest version you did is way better with the volume still clips a bit. The guitars seriously have no bass or mids from what i am hearing, it could be just that the guitars are too bright, becuase going back to my mixes and other commercial songs that seems to be the difference, your guitars are way to bright and lack a hair of mids. it could also be that your running a bit to conservative on the gain imo and your really getting the clean scrape, you need some saturation. really i would roll off the highs a bit up the mids, get some more gain (which would require you to redo the guitars totally) and tailor that bass guitar

try bringing the guitars closer together, guitars being too far apart is a good cause for the core to sound thin. but in reality it sounds like you have too bright guitars and not enough bass guitar.
Guitars still lack low mids? Its near enough peaking if I put a PAZ on them, ive raised the bass guitar shit loads since the first mix, ive knocked off everything under 30hz on the bass, maybe ill move it to 80. Bear in mind the bass is quite distorted.

I also dropped the entire mix down about 3db since the first I posted.

Any suggestings for more "warmth" on the guitars? Because im outta luck on that one.

moving the bass pass up will only reduce more bass, not what you want. if the bass is distorted you can bring it up without it being noticed. something that i noticed though is that the more you distort your bass the more thickness you loose, the cleaner your bass tone the better. best place is to get some break up, but no more.
my best recommendation to you is to find a band's sound that you like and compare your mixes. it would require you doing small samples of your guitar tone in a mix, comparing, redoing it, compare continue until you get something that is as close as possible. once you have taught your ear for the sound that you need, you will know where to start as a template. it took me almost 5 years of trial and error but i finally found what works for me. And knowing that i am using a 200 dollar soundcard and demo version sims and one bought synth, my mixes come pretty close for the price of my studio compared to the commercial stuff out there. the frequency analysis graphs show the same frequency response and volume.

its both a science and an art and listening to people all day wont make you better at it, you have to have hands on experience guided by advice that your were told.